Improvements to housing and homelessness services across West Dunbartonshire Council have been recognised by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The body described the council as a “self-aware” organisation and as a result of the progress made, the service will no longer face scrutiny from the regul
Scottish Housing Regulator
Christine Macleod The Scottish Housing Regulator’s longest-serving staff member, Christine Macleod, has announced her retirement.
Glasgow City Council has responded to criticism of the long waiting times taken to find homes for people who are homeless in the city with a new action plan to streamline processes. Homelessness officers have been working closely with the Scottish Housing Regulator and partners to speed up case asse
Brenda Higgins Wishaw and District Housing Association (WDHA) is to formally consult tenants on plans to merge with another housing association following a strategic review of the organisation.
The Scottish Housing Regulator is to consult with tenants of Kincardine Housing Co-operative over its proposals to transfer the Co-operative to another registered social landlord. The move follows a period of statutory intervention by the Regulator when independent investigations identified serious
Michael Cameron Scottish Housing Regulator chief executive, Michael Cameron, on recent discussions about the Annual Assurance Statement.
Christine Macleod A report highlighting the importance of easy access to homelessness services information for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness has been published by the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Michael Cameron Recommendations to eradicate rough sleeping and end homelessness from the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group have been welcomed by the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Experiences of people who have used local authorities’ homelessness services have been explored in new research from the Scottish Housing Regulator. The findings, which form part of the feedback from the Regulator’s National Panel of tenants and service users, give an insight into makes a differ
Lisa Peebles Tenant voice and landlord self-assurance were the focus of the Regulator’s opening session at the Tenant Information Service (TIS) national conference in Cumbernauld earlier this month.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today launched a consultation on its draft British Sign Language (BSL) Plan, as required by the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015. The plan sets out how the Regulator will ensure that BSL users can easily engage with it, and how it will make information acc
The Scottish Housing Regulator has welcomed the findings of independent stakeholder research about its communications. According to the report, almost all stakeholders think the amount of information and the frequency of publications are about right, and most think the quality of information is eith
Michael Cameron The Scottish Housing Regulator has pledged that safeguarding and promoting tenants’ and service users’ interests will remain a priority as the organisation published a summary of its work in 2018/19.
Anne Jarvie The Scottish Housing Regulator has signalled its intention to give more visibility to equalities in its new regulatory framework.
Christine Macleod A Scottish Government report that shows landlords still have work to do to improve Gypsy/Traveller sites has been welcomed by the Scottish Housing Regulator.