Efforts to boost affordable housing supply by acquiring properties to bring into use for affordable housing and help reduce homelessness will be given an £80 million uplift over the next two years, the Scottish Government has announced.
Shelter Scotland
The Scottish Trade Union Congress (STUC) has become the latest organisation to make a housing emergency declaration. The motion at the trade union body’s annual congress this week highlights the shortage of social housing, the out-of-control cost of rent in the private sector, and th
Scottish Labour housing spokesperson, Mark Griffin MSP, has written to the First Minister asking him to make an urgent statement to parliament outlining his plans to address the deteriorating housing emergency in Scotland.
The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership will receive £423,000 of funding to continue its work of increasing the supply of homes by bringing empty properties back into use in 2024-25. The Partnership works with local authorities and private homeowners to provide advice and support to help bring em
People in Scotland overwhelmingly recognise that delivering more social housing is the best way to tackle homelessness, according to new research from Shelter Scotland.
Shelter Scotland, who acted on behalf of the appellants in the case of Manson and Downie v Turner and Turner, highlights the significance of the Upper Tribunal's decision in relation to the correct approach to assessing reasonableness specifically in relation to ground 1 and the
Claims by the Scottish Government that progress is being made towards ending homelessness and building social housing look like an attempt to gaslight the Scottish public, Shelter Scotland told MSPs in Parliament yesterday. The housing charity made the claim after new figures showed local government
An open letter from Shelter Scotland demanding that First Minister Humza Yousaf declare a housing emergency and deliver an action plan to end it has attracted more than 10,000 signatures. The housing and homelessness charity presented the letter and the full list of signatories to the Scottish Gover
The Scottish Government has been ignoring warnings on the severity of the housing emergency for more than a year, MSPs were told yesterday. Speaking at the meeting of the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee, Shelter Scotland assistant director Gordon MacRae said
Shelter Scotland has appointed four solicitors to its specialist housing law team.
The Scottish Government's plan to cut its housing budget by around £200 million next year will have "devastating" consequences for social housing supply and homelessness support, ministers have been warned.
Shelter Scotland has urged the Scottish Government to prioritise the needs of homeless children when it delivers its budget on Tuesday. Following the SFHA and Poverty Alliance’s calls for £700 million to be restored to the Affordable Housing Supply Programme, Shelter Scotland said minist
The number of new homes started in Scotland over 12 months has fallen by 24% compared to the previous year to reach the lowest annual figure for almost ten years.
Housing and homelessness charity Shelter Scotland has commissioned research into children’s experiences of living in temporary accommodation.
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published a statement which updates its thematic report on homelessness services in Scotland that it published in February 2023. In February, the Regulator highlighted that some councils were finding it increasingly difficult to fully meet their statutory dut