More than a thousand people have added their names to a letter to cabinet secretary for finance, Kate Forbes, calling on her to prioritise social housebuilding in today’s Budget statement. Signed by more than 30 advocacy, support and housing organisations, the letter urges Forbes to “use
Shelter Scotland
An alliance of more than 25 advocacy, support and housing organisations have today written to cabinet secretary for finance Kate Forbes, asking her to make social and affordable homes “the cornerstone of Scotland’s recovery” in this week’s Budget.
A quarter of renters and mortgage holders are worried about not being able to pay their housing costs in 2021, according to new research published today by Shelter Scotland. The housing charity said the burden of high housing costs is blighting people’s finances, wellbeing and relationshi
Shelter Scotland has criticised the Scottish Government’s decision to "backtrack on its promise" to homeless people to end the continued use of temporary accommodation during lockdown.
The Scottish Government has announced that its temporary ban on eviction orders will be extended until the end of March.
Aberdeen City Council has refreshed its support for Shelter Scotland’s campaign to have the right to a decent home enshrined in Scottish law.
Enforcement of evictions from rented properties will be halted in Scotland for a six week period until mid-January, the Scottish Government has announced.
Thirty organisations in Scotland that care about homelessness, including charities, leading academics and people with lived experience, are today calling on political parties, MSPs and candidates in next year’s Scottish Parliament elections to get behind a ten-year plan to end homelessness. As
Shelter Scotland is calling for more social housing to be created in Scotland amid persistent concerns that the lack of it stops people leaving an abusive partner.
An increase of rents in Scotland's private sector despite the pandemic is evidence that the country’s housing system is broken and that more social housing is needed, according to Shelter Scotland.
In a joint response to the draft Infrastructure Investment Plan, CIH Scotland, Shelter Scotland and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations have called for the Scottish Government to increase affordable housing supply levels from the current target of 50,000 homes to 53,000 homes i
Shelter Scotland is appealing for supporters to donate online, as newly-announced Tier 4 restrictions in the west of Scotland threaten a massive loss of retail income.
Record numbers of households in Scotland are facing Christmas in temporary accommodation, Shelter Scotland has warned today as it launches its Winter Appeal.
Shelter Scotland’s lead solicitor Fiona McPhail gives her reaction to the outcome of the Scottish Housing Regulator’s inquiry into Glasgow City Council’s homelessness services. This week, the Scottish Housing Regulator published the report of its inquiry into Glasgow City Coun
Glasgow City Council failed to ensure it had enough suitable temporary accommodation prior to the coronavirus pandemic and did not provide temporary accommodation to significant numbers of people when they needed it, the Scottish Housing Regulator has found. Publishing the findings of its