The Scottish Government’s £24 billion infrastructure investment plan could fall short of providing the affordable housing need facing Scotland over the next five years, a collection of housing organisations have warned.
Shelter Scotland
The economic and wellbeing case for building more social homes in Scotland has been laid out in a major new report by Stephen Boyle, former chief economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland.
An estimated 70,000 children in Scotland are waiting for social homes, according to new analysis from published today by Shelter Scotland which is calling for 37,100 new social rented homes to be built to help tackle the issue.
A Scottish Government decision to delay its own commitment to extend suitable accommodation laws to cover all homeless people is a “betrayal” of its promises, Shelter Scotland has said. Housing minister Kevin Stewart announced in May that the Unsuitable Accommodation Order, which pr
The Scottish Government is to establish a £10 million Tenant Hardship Loan Fund to help those struggling to pay rent during the coronavirus crisis.
Shelter Scotland is thanking supporters for donating on average 3,000 bags of clothes and other items to its charity shops every week since they reopened. The housing and homelessness charity has 36 outlets from Inverness to Ayr and says that
Charities have called on ministers to “uphold their promises” to homeless people and continue the structural systems change required to end homelessness "at pace" after new statistics revealed the scale of the housing emergency at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis.
Low-income families in Scotland with a child under six will be able to apply for £10 per child, per week to assist with living costs from November, with payments to start from the end of February.
Charities have welcomed First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s confirmation that the Scottish Government is looking at extending emergency restrictions on evictions due to the impact of coronavirus until March 2021.
Shelter Scotland has said that the Scottish Government's decision to extend some but not all of the provisions of the emergency coronavirus legislation does not provide clarity and reassurance to tenants.
Scotland's unemployment rate increased by 0.4 percentage points to 4.5% from April to June this year, leading to further calls for the extension of eviction prevention measures. New labour market figures from the Office for National Statistics revealed that the proportion of people aged 16-64 i
Landlords in Scotland have served 350 notices instructing people to leave their homes since the beginning of lockdown, exacerbating fears of a “tidal wave of evictions” when courts re-open. Documents obtained by independent media platform The Ferret have revealed some eviction notices we
The number of Scottish households hit by the benefit cap increased by 76% in the first two months of lockdown, according to new statistics released by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government yesterday.
Industry body Homes for Scotland (HFS) has welcomed the Scottish Government plans to “generate significant economic growth, combined with a focus on supporting jobs, skills and training” but warned that new proposals on planning contradicted such intentions. Announcing its decision to ac
Shelter Scotland has reiterated its call for an extension to the current eviction protections amid a 40% increase in applications for crisis grants. New figures from the Scottish Welfare Fund show there were 21,709 applications for crisis grants in June 2020, and a total spend of £1,310,8