Fiona King Great leaps forward in housing policy since devolution, but huge challenges remain
Shelter Scotland
Foundations First launched in Paisley An innovative service aims to put homes at the heart of transforming the life chances of families and children ‘shackled’ by poverty Renfrewshire.
A collection of photographs documenting Scotland’s slums are coming home almost 50 years after they were taken. Commissioned in 1968 by housing and homelessness charity Shelter, the ‘Make Life Worth Living’ collection by Nick Hedges will be shown in a free open air exhibition in Edinburgh’s
Alex Neil launches the LAR Housing Trust in Musselburgh A new investment vehicle has been launched that will provide up to 1,000 affordable homes for rent across Scotland.
James Battye James Battye at Shelter Scotland says renting in Scotland needs to change.
Graeme Brown There’s a lot to do to make the Scottish housing market meet the needs and expectations of people in Scotland. There’s the challenge of an ageing population and making sure the homes we have are right for older citizens. There’s the need to protect fragile rural communities by ens
Annie Mauger Attempts by the Scottish Government to provide “more security, stability and predictability” to tenants renting in the private rented sector (PRS) have been broadly welcomed, though concerns have been raised proposals may harm investment in the sector.
(from left) Mary Taylor (chief executive of SFHA), Graeme Brown (director of Shelter Scotland) and Annie Mauger (executive director of the Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland) The level of need for affordable housing in Scotland is double what is currently being delivered, according to a new
Kirsty McKechnie In a guest blog for Shelter Scotland, Kirsty McKechnie, welfare rights worker for Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, gives the story so far for Universal Credit.
The number of children in temporary accommodation in Scotland has increased by 626 in a year, official figures have shown. The quarterly Homelessness in Scotland bulletin from Scotland’s Chief Statistician found that 4,896 children were in temporary accommodation on 30 June 2015 – an increase of
George Clarke Nominations are being sought across Scotland to find the country’s empty homes champions.
A team of cycling enthusiasts is once more taking on the gruelling challenge of cycling 101 miles in a day to raise funds for housing and homelessness charity Shelter Scotland. The Borders Loop Cycle Challenge team, which raised £10,000 last year, aims to top the amount when it takes on the testing
A new report on the link between homelessness and re-offending has called for housing to be made a priority in the forthcoming National Strategy for Community Justice in Scotland. Shelter Scotland’s ‘Preventing Homelessness and Reducing Re-Offending’ report was the centrepiece of an event at t
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has called for Scotland’s affordable housing target to be increased in order to meet housing need across the country. Responding to the latest housing statistics, which show that the Scottish Government is on track to meet its five-year target
Alison Watson By Alison Watson at Shelter Scotland