The vital role dogs can play in the lives of people who are homeless – including providing companionship and a reason to exercise – is being recognised in new guidance on how landlords and local authority offices respond to homeless people and their pets.
Simon Community Scotland
Charities in Glasgow are urging Glasgow City Council to open its winter shelter early after a cold snap has caused temperatures to fall below freezing.
Deacon Blue star Lorraine McIntosh has announced her support for Simon Community Scotland's Nightstop campaign which offers young people a safe place to spend the night in times of crisis. The singer has invited people in Glasgow to "open their homes and hearts" to vulnerable young pe
Routinely talking to primary school children about homelessness could prevent such problems later in life, according to the Homeless Network.
Homeless people have been helped by Glasgow City Council to apply for more than £500,000 in benefits.
Homes for Good (HFG) have been awarded £2.4 million in funding from The National Lottery Community Fund.
Homelessness charities have raised concerns that a nationalist far-right group is targeting some of Glasgow's most vulnerable people with their propaganda. An image posted by Generation Identity Scotland on Twitter
Homelessness charity Simon Community Scotland (SCS) has received a boost after the Glasgow office of law firm Irwin Mitchell raised £6,555 to support its work.
Two of Scotland's leading homeless charities have amalgamated to become one unified organisation. Glasgow-based Simon Community Scotland and Edinburgh’s Streetwork have joined forces in tackling homelessness, combining the two largest street outreach teams in the country.
At least 139 people have died while homeless in Scotland over the last 18 months, according to new statistics. The deaths, which were revealed in freedom of information requests by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) and reported by investigative platform The Ferret, include 22 deaths in G
People experiencing homelessness in Scotland are to be given the chance to learn digital skills so they can access opportunities presented online – thanks to an initiative being launched by two of Scotland’s leading homelessness charities. Edinburgh-based Streetwork and its sister charit
Glasgow is to set up an Alternative Giving scheme to help transform the lives of people of who participate in begging. An online donation facility, contactless giving points and a website will be created so people can contribute to a fund which will pay for practical items such as clothes to attend
A Glasgow hub for retailers, entrepreneurs and local creatives has launched a Christmas appeal with Simon Community Scotland to gift homeless people with the essentials they need to survive the winter in the city. The public can donate items to a dedicated drop off site within COLAB which, in partne
Kevin Guthrie As the Christmas countdown officially begins, Scotland's largest provider of homelessness services is asking the public to remember rough sleepers whilst shopping for gifts.
Lorraine McGrath, Simon Community Scotland and Streetwork CEO, with housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP and British Transport Police officers Homelessness charity Simon Community Scotland and Streetwork launched a hypothermia awareness campaign yesterday with the help of housing minister Kevin Stewar