Jeane Freeman Almost 113,000 awards have been made under the Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme over the past year, with a total value of £51.9 million, new figures have revealed.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon First Minister Nicola Sturgeon outlined the SNP’s key policies yesterday as the party leader revealed its manifesto for the upcoming general election.
With the general election just two weeks away, the Scottish Federation of Housing Association (SFHA) has revealed its five-point plan to reduce the damaging impact of welfare reforms. The membership body said welfare reforms have increased the vulnerability of tenants and impacted on the ability of
An interim report on the impact of UK government plans to cap housing benefit for social housing tenants aged under 35 has concluded that 21,000 young Scots could face a rent affordability gap of up to £22.6 million annually as a result. Commissioned by the Scottish Government in conjunction with t
Thousands of people with direct personal experience of the current benefits system have signed up to help shape the delivery of benefits in Scotland’s new social security system. As recruitment comes to a close, the latest volunteer figures for the Experience Panels stand at 2,335 – far in exces
Sam Lister As the build up to next month’s general election continues, CIH policy and practice officer Sam Lister takes a closer look at what we’re asking for on welfare policy – one of our key election priorities.
Social security minister Jeane Freeman on removing the involvement of the private sector in carrying out benefit assessments. Last week in the Scottish Parliament, I ruled out the use of private companies in assessing people for the benefits that will be delivered under Scotland’s new social secur
Jeane Freeman Scotland’s new social security agency will remove the involvement of the private sector in carrying out benefit assessments, the Scottish Government has confirmed.
Angela Constance Women are being unfairly impacted by recent UK government cuts to benefits and welfare eligibility, according to equalities secretary Angela Constance.
Sandra White MSP A joint letter issued today by Holyrood’s social security committee and Westminster’s Scottish affairs committee has called for a clear plan is needed for the successful transfer of welfare powers north of the Border.
Nicola Sturgeon First Minister Nicola Sturgeon encourages more people to take part in the Scottish Government’s Social Security Experience Panels.
Jeane Freeman Families with children will be among those worst affected by a number of UK government changes which came into force yesterday, Scotland’s social security minister has said.
Jeane Freeman Control over Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) has been transferred to the Scottish Government as of Saturday 1 April under the Scotland Act 2016.
Terrie Alafat The gap between the help with housing costs that young, single people in the private sector get and their rents is making housing virtually inaccessible, new Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) research has revealed.
The UK government is to make households that are made homeless exempt from Universal Credit following reports that the new benefits system has led to an increase in rent arrears. According to The Guardian, local authorities in London have said that rent collection levels for homeless tenants placed