(from left) Ann McDermott, Norman Shanks, Jeane Freeman MSP, Hannah Beaton and Sarah Erskine A new campaign aimed at ensuring older people receive the financial support they are entitled to has been launched by the Scottish Government and Citizens Advice Scotland.
David Gauke MP The roll out of the devolution of welfare powers to Scotland and concerns over Universal Credit will be raised by the Scottish Parliament’s social security committee when it takes evidence from secretary of state for work and pensions David Gauke MP.
More and more social tenants in Scotland are struggling to pay the first month’s rent in advance as a result of welfare reforms, making it even more difficult for them to find and keep a home, according to two leading housing organisations. Shelter Scotland and the Scottish Federation of Housing A
Jeane Freeman Social security minister Jeane Freeman has outlined more details on Scotland’s new social security agency and provided an update on the Scottish Government’s progress to abolish the ‘bedroom tax’ at source and in delivering choice in Universal Credit.
Ahead of yesterday’s statement in the Scottish Parliament, social security minister Jeane Freeman blogs about how the Scottish Government will deliver its new social security system. Last week we marked the 20th anniversary of the devolution referendum.
A dossier detailing a catalogue of concerns from landlords, councils and charities regarding Universal Credit has been handed to a parliamentary inquiry investigating the programme as pressure mounts on ministers to halt its continued roll-out. With the accelerated roll-out of the new system just we
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced that Scotland’s new social security agency will be headquartered in Dundee, bringing hundreds of jobs to the city. The new agency will also have a site in Glasgow, with the two locations together creating at least 1,500 jobs split evenly between the two
Homelessness agencies could be asked to fill in a gap in the services provided by Fife Council as the local authority faces up to the “significant challenges” of increased demand and continued welfare reforms. The Courier has reported that the number of hostels under local authority management c
Sally Thomas The continued roll-out of Universal Credit will have “catastrophic consequences” for some of the most vulnerable in society as well as undermine the sustainability of housing associations, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said.
The Scottish Government has pledged to establish an expert group together with a £50 million fund with the aim of eradicating homelessness for good. Announced by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as she delivered her Programme for Government for 2017/18 to the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, the ‘En
Sally Thomas The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has today outlined three key issues for its members ahead of the Programme for Government 2017–18 being unveiled.
A group of 24 Scottish charities have come together to urge the UK government to stop the roll-out of the Universal Credit system in Scotland. A major change the benefits system, Universal Credit replaces six existing benefits with one, and is designed to make the benefits process easier. The govern
Jeremy Hewer The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has accused the Social Security (Scotland) Bill of saying little about the powers the Scottish Government could exercise that would assist tenants who need help to sustain their tenancy.
Jeane Freeman Social security minister Jeane Freeman met local councils yesterday to discuss the practical steps needed to encourage more people to claim the financial support they are entitled to.
Ashley Campbell CIH Scotland has welcomed the Scottish Government’s focus on creating a new social security system based on human rights, dignity and respect but has raised concerns about how the principles will be applied and measured.