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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has outlined a comprehensive programme for the Scottish Government including early action to prepare for new social security powers and delivering 50,000 affordable homes over the parliament. In a speech to MSPs at Holyrood yesterday, Ms Sturgeon said the next five yea

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Janice Blenkinsopp In a guest blog for Shelter Scotland, Janice Blenkinsopp talks about her research into the housing options for the often overlooked demographic of low-income adults aged 25-34 following recent welfare changes and the potential implications for our understanding of what it means to

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Terrie Alafat Tenants who receive the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) face an increasingly widening gap between the help with their housing costs and the actual rent they pay, new Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) research has found.

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Almost half of low income households in the UK are not claiming the welfare benefits and tax credits they could be entitled to, according to new research. National charity Turn2us has found that of the 48 per cent of low income households missing out on assistance, 87 per cent have seen no improveme

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The Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCoWR) has written to political candidates across Scotland to ask them to commit to using new powers to create a fairer social security system. Set up in 2006 to highlight the concerns of a diverse coalition of organisations in Scotland about the UK governmen

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The Scottish Government should have a single department responsible for both new tax and welfare powers due to be devolved, according to Reform Scotland. With welfare expenditure currently divided between two departments, HMRC and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Reform Scotland believes

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Members of The Highland Council’s resources committee have welcomed the considerable involvement and work carried out by council staff on issues relating to welfare reform and have agreed to support the potential role of local authorities as financial assessment delivery partners for Scotland’s

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