Danny Lafferty Danny Lafferty highlights the problems arising from the complexity for landlords of new carbon and energy performance regulations to be introduced this year.
James Jack James Jack, Associate at law firm Burness Paull has produced a detailed briefing note on the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016.
North Star Housing Group’s Angela Lockwood remembers a meeting between an MP and supported housing service user that crystallises the importance of these services. I recall one very cold winter’s day some years ago, near to Christmas, when we decided to have an official opening of our new learni
James Battye There is fear that the UK government’s latest round of immigration reforms could increase discrimination against some people wanting to rent privately and ride roughshod over Scottish housing law.
Dr Beth Watts speaking at The Rock Trust’s youth homelessness conference After addressing the international youth homelessness conference organised by The Rock Trust, Dr Beth Watts summarises her take on what the priorities should be in developing services for young people at risk of or experienci
Patrice Fabien Patrice Fabien, a partner at BTO Solicitors specialising in social housing, details the implications of Scottish RSLs being reclassified as public sector bodies.
Sean McLaughlin With November's fuel poverty targets set to be missed, pressure needs to be applied to the Scottish Government to deliver a Warm Homes Bill to tackle Scotland's 1.5m cold homes, says Sean McLaughlin, managing director of Matilda’s Planet.
Mike Basquill After winning most seats in the Scottish parliamentary election, but not a majority, the Scottish National Party (SNP) have decided to form a minority administration. Mike Basquill, UK residential associate director at the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) estimates what th
Paul Stewart Paul Stewart blogs about his experiences volunteering on Shelter Scotland’s Digital Advice Team.
Ellie Hutchinson By Ellie Hutchinson, private renting project manager at Shelter Scotland
Major changes to the tenancy laws in Scotland will give more security to tenants, but also produce hazards for landlords, write Lucy Harington and Louise McAlister from the Commercial Dispute Resolution Team at TLT LLP. The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act will commence in stages later thi
Ashley Campbell Ashley Campbell, policy and practice manager at CIH Scotland, blogs about newly commissioned research on mid-market rent, in partnership with Wheatley Group.
Russell Young Many in the Scottish housing community will be looking forward to the 31st May with a combination of apprehension and anticipation. As many will be all too well aware, that is the deadline for landlords to submit their Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) submissions to the Scottish Hous
Janice Blenkinsopp In a guest blog for Shelter Scotland, Janice Blenkinsopp talks about her research into the housing options for the often overlooked demographic of low-income adults aged 25-34 following recent welfare changes and the potential implications for our understanding of what it means to
John Perry The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was right in its criticism of the extended right to buy, says CIH policy adviser John Perry.