A shortage of supply of homes to buy in Scotland has continued to cause affordability challenges, according to a new survey. The January 2017 UK Residential Market Survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) revealed that 30% of respondents reported a rise in house prices than a
Gill Henry (left) & Nicola Barclay presenting a key to the new home Two leading female figures from Scotland’s home building industry have returned from building a home for a vulnerable family in Mumbai, raising over £10,000 in the process to support charity Habitat for Humanity.
(from left) Jamie McLean, contracts manager at Mactaggart & Mickel Contracts; Terence Morgan, Salvesen Gardens resident and veteran; Peter Minshall, CEO at SVGCA; and Peter Shepherd, director at Mactaggart & Mickel Contracts Work has been completed on a new project in Edinburgh providing vit
Ian Brennan The Scottish Housing Regulator has highlighted to a social housing conference the importance of good governance and risk awareness to successfully building new homes.
Harry Smith Gillespie Macandrew’s housebuilding expert Harry Smith says now is not the time for Scotland’s housebuilders to be cautious.
Cath Johnstone Midlothian and Western Isles councils have become the first local authorities to announce a rise in council tax since 2006, following the Scottish Government’s decision to end the council tax freeze.
A document which sets out Argyll and Bute Council’s shared vision and investment priorities for the area’s housing sector over the next five years has been submitted to the Scottish Government for ministerial approval. The Local Housing Strategy was developed in partnership with the Scottish Gov
Aoife Deery digests Shelter Scotland’s latest report into the increasing use of temporary accommodation in Scotland. For the third year running, Shelter Scotland carried out research into the use of temporary accommodation by local authorities and compiled a report of our findings. The data suppli
Nicola Barclay Scotland’s housing crisis was thrown into the spotlight yesterday as long-term plans to tackle the same problem south of the border were announced by the UK government, industry body Homes for Scotland has said.
Queens Cross Housing Association chief exeuctive Shona Stephen celebrates the nomination Queens Cross Housing Association has been shortlisted for Outstanding Landlord of the Year at this year’s UK Housing Awards.
Energy regulator Ofgem has announced the levels of the pre-payment price cap which come into effect this April. One of the remedies resulting from the Competition and Market Authority's (CMA) two year investigation of the energy market, the cap will initially apply to over four million households wh
The Scottish Government’s consultation on extending Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) closes on February 23. The Freedom of Information Act gives everyone the statutory right to ask for information held by a Scottish public authority.
New homes are planned on Fintry Drive by Abertay Housing Association A £65 million investment to build hundreds of homes in targeted “priority” areas throughout Dundee is set to get the green light.
Councillor George Paul A new £2.3 million centre which provides a first point of call for customers at risk of homelessness has officially opened in Blackburn, West Lothian.
Alastair MacGregor, ACHA group chief executive welcomes Leyla Williams to her new post, accompanied by Phil Burn, managing director of AHFA Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) subsidiary repairs contracts company Argyll Homes for All has appointed Leyla Williams to the post of assistant mana