Five surveys relating to different housing issues in North Ayrshire have went live to provide tenants with an opportunity to shape the local service. The themes of the surveys will relate to issues affecting disabled people and the people who care for them. There will be questions relating to the ov
The revamped website for our sister publication Scottish Construction Now is proving more popular than ever with its readers after attracting a record 39,000 unique visitors last month. Page views for the site at topped 75,000 over the same period, maintaining its con
The UK government’s flagship energy-saving programme, the Green Deal, has not achieved value for money because it failed to persuade householders that energy efficiency measures are worth paying for, the National Audit Office has found. A report by the watchdog, published yesterday, revealed that
Baldoran Gate A development of 40 affordable homes launches this month in West Baldoran, Milton of Campsie.
Urban Union’s second phase plans for the Pennywell Living development The Pennywell regeneration project in Edinburgh has scooped another award after a successful outing at the RICS Scotland Awards 2016.
Housebuilder Persimmon has reported an 8 per cent increase in forward sales revenue to date this year with the average selling price up 5.8 per cent to circa £220,000. Reporting current trading, financial performance and the outlook for the current financial year ahead of its annual general meeting
The use of foodbanks in Scotland remains at record levels, figures published by The Trussell Trust have revealed. In the 2014/15 financial year, 133,726 emergency supply packages were given out to people in crisis by The Trussell Trust's 51 food banks - an increase of 13% on the previous year.
East Lothian Council has evicted a tenant from a property in Haddington following a catalogue of antisocial behaviour offences. The tenant was removed from a property at Hardgate for breaching his tenancy agreement after he was convicted of a number of drug offences committed in and around his tenan
Stevie McAvoy Muirhouse Housing Association has announced the appointment of Stevie McAvoy as its new chief executive.
Ruth Davidson The Scottish Conservatives have set out plans to build 100,000 new homes across Scotland over the next five years.
Norman Hampshire A proposal to increase the number of properties used to provide temporary accommodation has been approved by East Lothian Council.
ng homes has been presented with a prestigious Local Environmental Quality Award in recognition of its efforts to improve the environment. The Programme of the Year 2016 award was presented to ng homes group by Keep Scotland Beautiful for the success of its work in developing initiatives and strateg
An innovative renewable heating project which could help to reduce fuel poverty in the north of Perth is to be discussed by councillors next week. Members of Perth and Kinross Council’s strategic policy & resources committee will hear how the River Tay Heat Pump and District Heating project ai
Chik Collins Campaigns to improve the health of poor people fail to make an impact because they ignore the fundamental causes of inequality, new research suggests.
Craigowl Communities is looking for 30 seconds of your time to vote for the charity to win funding for one of its projects. The Dundee-based charity, part of the Hillcrest Group, provides learning opportunities, training, qualifications, guidance and support to people who want to improve their circu