People across Argyll and Bute are being invited to have their say on the future of housing in the area via an online survey. Argyll and Bute Council is inviting feedback on the proposed vision, priorities and actions that have been developed for the local housing strategy.
Volunteers join housing officer Audrey Cameron (second from left) with one of the skips at the clean-up Local residents and Fife Housing Group colleagues came together this week to take part in a clean-up of bin stores and communal areas in Lochgelly.
Scott Baxter (left) and Phil Anderson A North East financial services firm is pledging its support to Aberdeen Cyrenians to help fund key projects for those affected by homelessness in the city and surrounding area.
Wheatley Group has today confirmed it will progress plans to deliver its repairs and maintenance service through a new joint venture (JV) with Glasgow City Council. Heads of terms have been agreed that will lead to Wheatley - parent company of Scotland’s largest social landlord Glasgow Housing Ass
Alex Neil Plans for a new Scotland-wide housing initiative that could help deliver thousands of purpose-built homes for private rent have been unveiled by social justice secretary Alex Neil.
Tammy Adams Industry body Homes for Scotland (HFS) has today announced the internal appointment of Tammy Adams as head of planning.
David Melhuish The Scottish Government is to exempt transactions of six or more homes from the additional LBTT surcharge.
Annie Mauger The Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland has welcomed the additional funds committed towards affordable housing within the Scottish Budget for 2016-17 but urged the Holyrood to maintain further increased housing supply “as a top priority”.
Councillors in West Dunbartonshire have agreed to a four per cent increase in rent for council tenants to help fund £114 million worth of improvements for tenants. The rent rise is nearly 50 per cent lower than planned when West Dunbartonshire Council agreed its rent strategy in 2012 to fund the up
The City of Edinburgh Council is on a "far sounder financial footing" than a year ago after making considerable progress towards balancing its books, according to a report from the Accounts Commission. The local authority watchdog raised significant concerns in December 2014 over the council's finan
DGFirst apprentices with Loreburn and DGFirst staff, councillors and Loreburn management committee members Loreburn Housing Association has cemented its successful working relationship with DGFirst after securing a contract for the delivery of Repairs and Gas Servicing.
Over £13.5 million will be invested in council homes in Clackmannanshire during the forthcoming financial year as the local authority approved its annual budget. The investment, which will include new build housing, also saw councillors agree a rent increase of 3.5 per cent for 2016/17. The average
Cordale Housing Association has confirmed that it is freezing rent rates for a second consecutive financial year. The Cordale management committee met last week to consider the Cordale Business Plan and budget for 2016/17 and confirmed that in the new financial year there will be no increase in rent
Cabinet secretary Alex Neil with Help to Adapt client Mrs Mathew An initiative which helps older people live independently at home for longer has been given support by cabinet secretary for social justice, communities and pensioners’ rights, Alex Neil.
Nicola Barclay A year-on-year growth in house purchase lending in Scotland has been welcomed as a signal of optimism for the sector by the country’s home building industry.