Glasgow’s George Square is to be transformed into a stunning arena with three football pitches and seating for 3,500 spectators when it plays host to the Homeless World Cup later this year. From 10-16 July a total of 48 men’s and 16 women’s sides will participate in a week-long celebration in
Joe and Helen on their 72nd wedding anniversary Love is in the air as a Moray couple today celebrate 73 years of wedded bliss.
Legal interventions by Govan Law Centre (GLC) have secured homes for 198 rough sleepers at the Glasgow Winter Night Shelter. A detailed report on GLC’s partnership work with the Glasgow City Mission’s Winter Night Shelter is currently being prepared but the organisation has released some of the
Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has unveiled plans to launch a new social enterprise within its group. Set up as a Community Interest Company (CIC), Quay Community Improvements will launch with stair cleaning services in late 2016.
Partick Housing Association has submitted plans to transform a former Glasgow school into 60 new flats. Designed by Collective Architecture, the £8 million redevelopment of the former St Peter’s School on Chancellor Street will provide a mix of 1-3 bed homes for social and mid-market rent as well
Visualisation of the site from Gairsay Drive Plans have been lodged for a new £35 million housing development at the former site of an Aberdeen school.
A detailed analysis of housing trends in Glasgow has revealed that while overcrowding has reduced, one in five city residents still live in cramped conditions. According to the Evening Times, statistics gathered by Glasgow City Council between 2001 and 2011, when the last census results were publish
The Court of Session The Law Society of Scotland has made a £780,000 payout from its client protection fund to two homebuyers, 13 years after they were victims of a solicitor’s fraud which meant they did not own the Aberdeen flats they lived in, The Herald reports.
Profits at Edinburgh-based private rented sector (PRS) specialist Sigma Capital Group have risen almost ten-fold. The company has posted pre-tax profits of £2.14m for the 2015 calendar year, up from £0.21m a year earlier.
The Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, is to write an ode to old-fashioned gas and electric meters as they face extinction, the BBC has reported. Glasgow-born Duffy, who was appointed Poet Laureate in 2009, said she wanted to preserve the place of traditional "whirring" meters in household history.
A new bond finance deal for Paragon Housing Association has paved the way for greater opportunities for registered social landlords (RSLs) to fund investment in new stock and diversify their business models. HBJ Gateley’s banking and social housing teams and RSM’s corporate finance practice advi
Willie Rennie The Scottish Liberal Democrats have set out plans to increase in housing supply by expanding the Housing Fund for Scotland model and tackle youth homelessness through mediation.
Mary Barbour Parkhead Housing Association is requesting nominations for an inaugural award which recognises the contribution women who follow in the footsteps of community campaigner Mary Barbour.
CALA Homes has started construction work at a new 147-home project in North Berwick. The house builder’s development at Mains Farm is now underway after it received full backing from East Lothian Council following a proposal in line with its vision for much needed new homes in the area.
Craig Hatton, executive director (place) at North Ayrshire Council formally opening the development Cunninghame Housing Association (CHA), working in partnership with North Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Government, has completed a new build development at Dippie Gardens, Waterside Street, Largs.