Hawthorn Housing Co-Operative

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A peer support group has been established for housing co-operatives in Scotland to share their specialised experience and knowledge. Set up following a scoping exercise, the group includes Drumchapel Housing Co-op, Hawthorn Housing Co-op, Lister Housing Co-op, West Granton Housing Co-op an

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Hawthorn Housing Co-operative has unveiled Daniel Moodie as the winner of its Young Co-operator Award for 2021. The award was presented by Kevin Wallace who is chair of Hawthorn Community Action Group and a member of Hawthorn Housing Co-operative.

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A total of 77 families in Possilpark have been digitally connected with equipment provided by Hawthorn Housing Co-operative. The Co-op has long recognised the importance of getting as many people in its community digitally connected to assist with studying, applying for jobs, keeping in touch w

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A community group in Glasgow has been praised for its pioneering commitment to support people with disabilities by planning the city’s first openly accessible activity space. Hawthorn Housing Co-operative (HHC) believes that its new outdoor play and fitness equipment plan would provide a massi

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A group of Hawthorn tenants were delighted to hear they had helped the Co-op win a TPAS Scotland award for best practice in involving all. Some Hawthorn Co-op tenants and the interpreter show off the TPAS award

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A total of 49 members attended Hawthorn Housing Co-operative's Annual General Meeting. Members who attended heard about the work carried out by the co-op over the last year and had the opportunity to comment on the possible priorities for the coming year.

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Another milestone has been reached at Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) as the RSL membership now totals 100 thanks to six new members joining in recent months. Established in 1995, the Network now has 132 members representing, for the first in its history, all 32 local authorities and 100 hous

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Paul Sweeney MP and Alistair Wood of Remarkable presented Mattie McGeouch, chair of the Co-operative, with three awards Hawthorn Housing Co-operative has been shortlisted for a national Investors in People award after it obtained three IIP awards earlier this year.

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Paul Sweeney MP and Alistair Wood of Remarkable making the presentation to Mattie McGeouch Chair of the Co-operative Possilpark-based Hawthorn Housing Co-operative, which manages over 300 homes, has won three prestigious people management and organisational development awards.

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Gary Dalziel Elderpark Housing Association and Hawthorn Housing Co-operative have agreed to work together over the next few months carrying out a basic review of each organisation’s governance policies and procedures.

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