Homeless Network Scotland

91-105 of 147 Articles
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Maggie Brünjes, Homeless Network Scotland’s chief executive, looks at an unfair pandemic and the reasons why they are today publishing a new framework* to help redress this across homelessness policy and services. Already we know that the risk and impact of COVID-19 is not distributed equ

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Those who want to be ‘in the know’ with the latest information and intelligence on the homelessness sector’s response to COVID-19 can access a new chat room available from today. The resource is open to both members and non-members and will focus on homelessness and related issues,

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In 2018/19, 1,822 homeless applications were recorded as having been from people leaving prison, which represents five per cent of the total. It is likely that this figure does not represent the full scale of the problem, with applicants often unwilling to reveal their background. With discussion ar

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The response from the homelessness sector to COVID-19 continues at pace. Assessing whether the measures introduced in the past two weeks are the right ones, and what aspects we might want to retain, must be guided by people with expertise both as practitioners and through their own lived experience,

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In his second blog as Scottish Housing News’ temporary special correspondent on homelessness, Homeless Network Scotland’s head of external relations Martin Gavin gives his take on the Emergency Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill. Homelessness is unlikely to be one of the enduring memories of th

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Organisations providing services to people who are homeless urgently require personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their staff can safely look after those in their care – this is the message from one charity in the North East that has approached the local oil and gas sector for help.

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Homeless Network Scotland is partnering with Scottish Housing News to collect and share the experiences and challenges faced by its members, the wider homelessness sector and people confronted directly with homelessness during the COVID-19 crisis. In response to the emergency, Homeless Network Scotl

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Members of Scotland’s new team to tackle homelessness and its causes updated the minister for local government, housing and planning, Kevin Stewart MSP, last week on their work so far, signalling the beginning of the end for traditional responses to homelessness in Scotland. Titled All In For

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Simon Community Scotland has teamed up with third sector organisations, businesses, Glasgow City Council and the city's Health & Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP) to launch a new alternative giving scheme for people involved in street begging.

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Homeless Network Scotland has hosted a networking event focused on rough sleeping at Glasgow City Chambers. The event brought together representatives of the key organisations concerned with homelessness in the city, including members of the new Glasgow Alliance to End Homelessness, the Glasgow Heal

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Preventing homelessness will not be possible until the current system is replaced with a fairer, more effective and accessible one, according to charity Homeless Network Scotland. The charity works to end homelessness in Scotland and is warning that the current system is no longer fit for purpose, a

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Scotland’s Housing First Pathfinder has reached another milestone with the creation of more than 150 tenancies, a monitoring report released today has revealed. Housing First provides ordinary, settled housing as a first response for people whose homelessness is compounded by other disadvantag

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