CCG, in partnership with a social landlord, has returned with new plans to build 46 flats for affordable rent in Govan.
Mast Architects
Cruden Building (West) has been appointed by Calvay Housing Association to deliver a £7.9 million affordable housing contract at Garvel Crescent and Blyth Road in the Barlanark area of Glasgow.
Construction firm The JR Group has got the ball rolling on the construction of 18 new build social rented homes for Clydebank Housing Association.
A planning application has been submitted for 45 apartments across two blocks in Govan for Elderpark Housing Association.
Cassiltoun Housing Association was delighted to welcome Glasgow City Council officers to its new build development at Barlia Row, Castlemilk earlier this month. Although the development was completed almost a year ago, restrictions on on-site visits meant that there was a delay in presenting th
In the next in our COP26SHN feature on how the housing sector is playing its part to tackle climate change, Scottish Housing News examines an innovative concept from Elderpark Housing at its landmark new housing development in Govan – harnessing the power of the sun with 'sun rooms' in apartme
The first tenants have received the keys to their brand new homes as the initial phase of East Dunbartonshire Council's Tom Johnston House site development in Kirkintilloch is now complete.
East Renfrewshire Council marked yesterday's Scottish Housing Day with a visit to the latest council house development site on Barrhead's Balgraystone Road.
A new build housing development in Kilmarnock is now underway with 43 socially inclusive homes for older ambulant disabled residents set to be delivered by CCG on behalf of East Ayrshire Council.
Planning permission in principle is being sought for a residential development on vacant land beside the Clyde at Yoker. Mast Architects has lodged an application on behalf of JR Construction Scotland Ltd seeking consent for the development at Bulldale Street, off Yoker Ferry Road.
East Ayrshire Council has approved plans for a dozen new council houses in Drongan. Initially proposed as a 14-home development during last year's consultation, the Mill of Shield Road development will consist of seven three-bedroom, with one larger four-bedroom property and four two-bedro
Local representatives gathered at Park Place in Wishaw to mark the official site start at Trust Housing Association’s £7 million new-build development. The development will see 42 new homes comprising of 1, 2- and 3-bedroom flats for social rent constructed in Wishaw town centre.
East Ayrshire Council has launched a consultation on proposed housing development within Mauchline.
Partick Housing Association (PHA) has announced the completion of its latest new housing supply project at Purdon Street in the heart of Glasgow’s West End.
Partick Housing Association (PHA) has lodged an appeal regarding its application to transform a vacant office block on Great Western Road.