Plans to transform a former high school site in Greenock have been submitted to Inverclyde Council this month by CCG Homes Ltd. Formerly the site of Greenock Academy located on Madeira Street, the Glasgow-based developer has undertaken extensive engagement with the local planning authority to concei
Mast Architects
CCG (Scotland) is to work with a social landlord to deliver new homes in Govan after acquiring a plot of land at a former car park. Commercial property and investment company LCP, owner and manager of the Govan Cross Shopping Centre, have sold 0.265ha of surplus land to deliver a new development of
A brownfield site in Govanhill could be brought back into use under new plans lodged for 12 apartments for social rent. Morris & Spottiswood and Mast Architects propose to deliver a tenement-style block of flats between garages and an existing block of tenements at 17 South Annandale S
MAST Architects has submitted plans to North Ayrshire Council for 20 new homes in Stevenson on behalf of Cunninghame Housing Association.
East Renfrewshire Council has celebrated the completion of new council homes in Barrhead's Balgraystone Road with an official opening event, marking its largest housing development to date.
hub South West Scotland and Cruden Building have started work on a third affordable housing development in Avon Road in Larkhall on behalf of South Lanarkshire Council. The homes form part of a series of new developments that Cruden, as hub South West Scotland's construction partner, is building in
A public consultation is being held on a new housing development proposed for Kennedy Drive in Kilmarnock.
Thenue Housing Association has applied for planning permission for 41 units for social rent in Dalmarnock.
Partick Housing Association and Hanover Scotland have received a major planning boost with the approval to demolish a derelict building and build new flats near the Forth & Clyde Canal at Anniesland.
The final tenants have now received the keys to their new homes in the flagship new development on the site of the former East Dunbartonshire Council HQ in Kirkintilloch.
The JR Group has submitted plans to bring a new lease of life to an abandoned plot of land in South Lanarkshire.
The official ground-breaking has taken place at two new housing developments in East Ayrshire this week. Mill O’ Shield Road in Drongan and Quarry Knowe in Auchinleck are being delivered by CCG (Scotland) on behalf of East Ayrshire Council with both projects extending a strategic housing partn
A construction firm is appealing the refusal of a second planning application to transform a derelict site in North Lanarkshire into affordable homes.
A decision into proposals to demolish a listed Art Deco building and build new flats near the Forth and Clyde Canal at Anniesland has been delayed to allow objectors to be heard.
Partick Housing Association and Hanover Scotland could be set for a major planning boost next week regarding their joint proposal to demolish a listed building and build new flats near the Forth and Clyde Canal at Anniesland.