North Lanarkshire Council has scooped a top award for Large Scale Project of the Year at Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Awards.
North Lanarkshire Council
New town hubs, more affordable town centre homes and a new family learning centre are among the projects planned for North Lanarkshire’s towns and communities as part of the local authority’s £1.25 billion The Place, The Vision plan. After announcing the projects to members of the
Towns and communities in North Lanarkshire will benefit from £1.243 billion investment over the next five years to transform them into vibrant, thriving, sustainable places, the local authority has revealed. North Lanarkshire Council said local people are at the heart of its ambitious vision a
A new housing development in central Airdrie has been named in memory of a former local councillor.
North Lanarkshire Council has said that sustainability is at the heart of its new council house building programme, with the new homes featuring eco-friendly measures to reduce its carbon footprint, protect its environment and build a greener future for families and communities.
A targeted and coordinated approach to support people facing homelessness in North Lanarkshire has resulted in a substantial reduction in people presenting themselves looking for accommodation over the last year.
Additional projects for more new, affordable homes across North Lanarkshire have been approved and included in the council's next Strategic Housing Investment Plan, which is being submitted to the Scottish Government.
North Lanarkshire Council has pledged its commitment as a landlord by signing the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Assurance Statement, ensuring its tenants and residents have improved access to housing performance information. Since April 2019, social landlords in Scotland have a statutory obliga
Mears, in partnership with North Lanarkshire Council, officially welcomed 23 new apprentices to the business this month, providing young people in the area with outstanding career opportunities in a range of trades and skills. The new hires have been given the opportunity to play a leading role in t
Proposals to purchase new ‘off the shelf’ homes in the heart of Coatbridge were given the green light as North Lanarkshire Council's supply of affordable homes continues to progress.
North Lanarkshire Council's house building programme is progressing as plans are agreed to deliver more affordable homes for rent across the region. The council's housing and regeneration committee approved the inclusion of sites at Coshneuk Road, Stepps (around 16 new homes) and Caledonian Road, Wi
Another new North Lanarkshire Council housing development is now underway in Airdrie.
Saltire Facilities Management, which has acted as the main heating service and maintenance provider to North Lanarkshire Council for 20 years, has continued the relationship by winning two new contract awards, for electric heating replacements, and renewable heating replacements. The electrical heat
North Lanarkshire Council's house building project reached another milestone as its 800th tenant moved into their new build council home in Wishaw. Laura Parker is busy making her new house into the perfect family home at the council's development in Dimsdale Road/Wilson Crescent, Wishaw.
North Lanarkshire Council leader Councillor Jim Logue visited one of the council’s latest new housing developments to check progress on the council's vision to redesign and repopulate its town centres.