Scottish Borders Council (SBC) has launched a consultation to help inform the upcoming budget which will be set in February 2020. From now until the end of January, members of the public can participate in a new online points simulator tool, available here.
Scottish Borders Council
Scottish Borders Council is to bring care services in the region back into its control less than five years after being taken over by an arms-length agency.
Scottish Borders Council will highlight the range of support it offers and its key achievements throughout Scottish Housing Day on its social media channels. Today marks Scottish Housing Day and Scottish Borders Council is joining with local authorities, registered social landlords and other organis
CIH Scotland has appointed Donna Bogdanovic from Scottish Borders Council to its board. Ms Bogdanovic is a qualified planner who began her professional career as a planning and economic development consultant in Glasgow. She is currently the principal officer for housing strategy, policy and develop
Eildon Housing has unveiled plans to build up to three Extra Care developments over the next five years with the first starting on site next week at Langhaugh in Galashiels.
Plans have been submitted to Scottish Borders Council for the former Kelso high school, to be converted into homes for the elderly and affordable housing. Planners wish to convert one of the town's more recognisable landmarks into a facility holding 34 extra care apartments for older people. Develop
Eyemouth Community Campus plans are being showcased to the public for the first time as part of a Fit for 2024 property event next month. The event, run by Scottish Borders Council, is to showcase the plans for the council and partners' ambitious strategy on the site of Eyemouth Primary for a new C
The sun shone to greet minister for local government & housing, Kevin Stewart MSP, to Trust Housing’s new Extra Care development in Duns. (from left) Kyle Tod, site manager, Hart Builders; minister for local government & housing, Kevin Stewart MSP; Rhona McLeod, CEO, Trust Housing; Gil
Eildon Housing is to undertake an “exciting” new building project which will deliver warmer, cheaper, affordable homes while also considering the future of house building and its impact on the environment. The Association is investing millions of pounds as part of its strategy to make su
A Hawick-based social enterprise which works with adults with physical and learning disabilities has been awarded a four-year contract to maintain gardens at homeless temporary accommodation in the Scottish Borders. Borders Green Team Manager David Oliver, Councillor Mark Rowley (responsible for hou
Housing associations in the Borders region are among a number of organisations to lend support for a local Men’s Shed. The growing Men’s Shed movement in the Borders offers men (and women) the opportunity to come together, pursue hobbies and share skills and experience.
Scottish Borders Council has announced which projects are to benefit from the latest round of its Localities Bid Fund. Over £300k of funding will be split between 40 community initiatives across five localities following a public vote.
Eildon Housing Association’s efforts to promote inclusive growth, address housing need and invest in Borders’ communities has been recognised with two new build developments being shortlisted as finalists at the Scottish Home Awards 2019 for the ‘Housing Development of the Year (so
Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) is to build 29 affordable new energy efficient homes at Springfield Avenue in Duns with work set to start this summer. The Association purchased the site from housebuilder Springfield Properties thanks to funding from a Scottish Government grant and support fro
Berwickshire Housing Association’s vision of creating thriving rural communities has come to fruition in Chirnside following the completion of a new affordable and energy-efficient housing development. Reflecting local demand, the 25-unit development at Glebe Place is a good mix of housing typ