Scottish Government

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Loreburn Housing Association has warned of the consequences of the rent freeze announced by the Scottish Government to help cash-strapped tenants saying that the freeze will lead to less cash to build affordable homes if it is extended beyond March 2023.

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A group of housing organisations have written to John Swinney, the acting cabinet secretary for finance and the economy, urging the Scottish Government to prioritise the delivery of social homes in the upcoming budget. The letter to the deputy first minister was signed by Shelter Scotland, the

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Families of an estimated 145,000 children will benefit from extra support this winter to help with cost of living pressures – backed by Scottish Government investment of £18.9 million. Bridging Payments were introduced in 2021 ahead of the extension of the Scottish Child Payment to 6-15-

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A new website providing information on the wide range of advice and financial support available to people in Scotland has been launched. Developed by the Scottish Government as a ‘one-stop shop’ to help those struggling with the cost of living crisis, the website includes information on

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New research commissioned by the Scottish Government has revealed that costs for new heat pumps will be up to 231% more than traditional gas boilers over the lifespan of the installation. In line with the Holyrood's green agenda, rules coming into effect from 2024 will require that all new homes and

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The UK Government is being urged by the devolved governments to fund its cap on energy prices through a windfall tax, not higher borrowing. In a joint letter to the new Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng, deputy First Minister John Swinney is joined by finance ministers from Wales and Northe

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Around £500 million in savings have been found as resources are focused on tackling the “harsh reality” of the cost of living crisis, Deputy First Minister John Swinney has said. He updated the Scottish Parliament on steps being taken to meet the increased costs of public sector pa

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A total of £84 million has been paid to families since it was introduced less than 18 months ago. The payment of £20 per week, unique to Scotland in the UK, began in February 2021 as a direct measure to tackle child poverty. It provides regular, additional financial support to parents an

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The Scottish Government has announced that thousands of businesses can now apply for up to £15,000 to help retrain and upskill their workforce. The Flexible Workforce Development Fund provides workers in organisations of all sizes with access to training courses through local colleges, the Ope

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New figures show Scotland’s public finances are recovering from the coronavirus pandemic faster than the UK as a whole. The Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) 2021-22 statistics show Scotland’s deficit fell by 10.3%– compared to a drop of 8.4% for the UK.

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The Scottish Government has announced that its proposal for a £5 million Islands Bond will not go ahead following responses to a consultation. Announced last year, the proposed bond sought to address depopulation, lack of housing, and economic opportunities. The bond would have provided £

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The Scottish Government has announced £16.2 million in funding for five zero-emission heat networks that will cut carbon emissions in homes and commercial properties. Made by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and zero carbon buildings minister Patrick Harvie during a visit to ng homes i

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will convene an urgent summit with energy supply companies and consumer groups later this month to discuss how advice and support for people struggling with energy bills can be improved. The summit will consider what collective action can be taken by government, energy

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