The Scottish Government needs to play catch-up on the worsening problem of empty homes and second homes if it is to tackle the housing crisis, according to the Scottish Greens. Publishing a major new report on the issue, the party’s housing spokesperson Andy Wightman MSP reveals that over the last
Scottish Greens
The introduction of a licensing scheme for homeowners who want to rent out their properties through websites like AirBnB is one of a number of legislative proposals available to help councils regulate the rapid growth of the short-term letting sector, according to the Scottish Greens. Lothians MSP A
Derek Mackay Extra money to insulate homes and a real terms increase in revenue investment for local authorities were amongst the amendments made to the Scottish budget yesterday as finance secretary Derek Mackay reached an agreement that will see the financial plan passed at all stages by the Scott
Alison Johnstone MSP Green MSP Alison Johnstone has lodged a series of amendments to the Scottish Government's Social Security Bill which are designed to ensure that everyone receives the payments they are due.
More than 30 landlords are operating lucrative short term letting businesses in Scotland’s capital which is adding to the pressure on Edinburgh’s housing stock, new research has found. The report by University of Sheffield academic Alasdair Rae, in partnership with Green MSP Andy Wightman, shows
Andy Wightman Fuel poverty will not be eliminated in Scotland until the government takes action to fix the one in two homes that have issues with weather-tightness and structural stability, a Green MSP has warned.
A new campaign has been launched to control the “rapid and unregulated growth” of short-term lets which sees owners of residential properties offer them as holiday accommodation. Andy Wightman MSP, housing spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today warned that the rapid rise of this form of let
The City of Edinburgh Council should be at the head of the queue to use new legal powers to tackle soaring rents in the private rented sector, the city’s Green councillors have argued. New research published by the party shows that city rents have soared by 40% in the last seven years, far outstri
Giving local councils the power to tax the 20,000 football pitches’ worth of vacant and derelict land in Scotland could generate £200 million a year to build affordable homes and tackle the housing crisis, according to research by the Scottish Greens. The report published today by Andy Wightman M
Over £10 million of taxes are being avoided this year due to the boom in private homes being let out as holiday accommodation during the Edinburgh festival, according to an MSP. Lothian representative Andy Wightman MSP said he has been “inundated” with correspondence from constituents concerned
Co-convener Patrick Harvie with fellow candidate Lorna Slater The Scottish Green Party launched its general election manifesto yesterday, promising to fight for the principles of truly affordable homes, with rent controls and better rights for tenants.
Around half of the homes in Edinburgh city centre will be holidays lets by 2050 if current trends continue, the Scottish Green Party has suggested. Concerns have been raised that a sharp rise in holiday lets in the capital is making it more difficult for people to find somewhere to live.
Patrick Harvie The Scottish Green Party has launched its national manifesto for the local council elections, prioritising new homes that are affordable, low-carbon and connected to local services.
A report detailing the scale of the problem with “short-term lets” in Scotland’s capital has been published by a Green MSP. The publication by Andy Wightman MSP, the Scottish Greens’ housing spokesperson, shows there are more than 6200 properties available in Edinburgh for short term letting
Councils should be given powers to help them increase investment in good quality, affordable homes and lead the redevelopment of our towns and cities, writes Andy Wightman MSP.