A state-of-the-art housing development which is expected to have a major positive impact on the lives of older people has been officially opened in North Ayrshire. The £4.8 million development at Montgomery Court, Kilbirnie, has been designed to specifically meet the needs of the older population i
Social Care
The Scottish Government is to invest an extra £107 million to ensure more people are able to be cared for safely in their own homes and avoid preventable admissions to hospital. The money will be invested into health and social care partnerships which bring together NHS and local council care servi
A national delivery plan to up the pace of improvement and change within Scotland’s health and care system has been published. The Health and Social Care Delivery Plan sets out a series of key actions for government and local health and care services to deliver better patient care and better popul
Maureen Richardson Housing and care provider Bield is taking full advantage of advances in technology to create services that enable service-users to lead fuller, more flexible lives, while at the same time reducing the workload of care providers.
Families, staff, and the wider public are being given the chance to feedback on plans looking at South Ayrshire Council’s provision of residential care for older people. The South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, which brings together a wide range of health and social work services, is
Aberdeen’s new Health & Social Care Partnership is already having a “very good” impact on people in the city, according to Scotland’s health and care watchdog bodies. A joint inspection report into health and social work services for older people in Aberdeen by the Care Inspectorate and
Care provided to vulnerable people in their own homes in Scotland is at “breaking point” as a result of cuts, according to a new report by Unison. A survey of home care workers by the trade union found that four in five said they believe the service has been affected by budget cuts or privatisat
Rona Laing Rona Laing has been appointed as the new Chair of Fife’s Health and Social Care Partnership Board.
The North Lanarkshire Joint Integration Board (JIB) has met for the first time to discuss the future of health and social care in the area. From the 1st of April 2016, following a shadow year, the JIB took responsibility for planning, commissioning and overseeing the delivery of a wide range of heal
A strategic plan which proposes to bring together health and social care services for the local area is to be discussed at the next meeting of Perth & Kinross Council's housing and health committee next week. Developed by the local Integrated Joint Board (IJB), the Strategic Commissioning Plan 2
As the integration of health and social care comes into effect in Scotland, a new blog from Wheatley Group and Stirling University details their project to fund a PhD studentship titled 'Getting housing and health talking'. April 1st marked a significant milestone in the integration of health and so
Three of Scotland’s leading housing associations, Bield, Hanover (Scotland) and Trust Housing Associations, have combined to write to all of the newly established integrated joint health and social care boards in Scotland to highlight the savings and benefits that could be made by working in great
Kirsty Wells As legislation to implement the integration of health and social care in Scotland comes into force today, housing professionals are being encouraged to participate in a new Housing, Health and Social Care club to discuss the potential implications for the Scottish housing sector.
Jimmy Black Sheltered housing generally involves a warden call system. If tenants press their buttons when the wardens have gone home, the alarm may go through to the council’s community alarm system. Two systems? Why does there need to be two systems which effectively do the same thing?
Lisa Glass By Lisa Glass, partnership officer for health at Shelter Scotland