The CleverCogs system produced by Blackwood A Health & Social Care Partnership is asking the citizens of Dundee to think about how technology can be used to enhance care and healthcare in the city.
Social Care
Construction work is getting underway on a state-of-the-art sheltered housing complex in Saltcoats. A ground-breaking ceremony signalled the beginning of the £6.48 million project to create 36 new homes for older people.
Linkwood View Hanover Scotland has taken delivery of a new development for older people in Moray, which has been purpose built to provide innovative, high quality services, including dementia, wheel chair adapted and Extra Care facilities.
The Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership has published its performance report for 2016/17. The report gives an update on progress of the delivery of the Partnership’s strategic objectives as laid out in the Strategic Plan and was developed following extensive engagement with officer
The Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership is holding a consultation on health and social care locality plans which have been developed for Berwickshire, Cheviot, Eildon, Teviot & Liddesdale and Tweeddale. The locality plans focus on recommendations from the Partnership’s Strategi
Resident Ada Caldwell with the First Minister in the 'sensory room' at Varis Court First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was given an official tour yesterday of one of Hanover Scotland’s brand new housing developments for older people in Moray that uses pioneering design and research to bring health care
Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is to introduce a new contract for providing Care at Home services which aim to support people to lead active, independent and healthy lives in their own communities. Perth and Kinross has a growing population of older people and the HSCP a
Rhona Mcleod Trust Housing Association’s Rhona McLeod outlines how a Housing with Care model could address the issue of delayed hospital discharges.
Rhona McLeod A new report commissioned by Trust Housing Association has concluded that the social landlord's Housing with Care model of integrated housing and care services for older people could offer an affordable solution to the growing issue of long-term delayed discharges in Scottish hospitals.
Alastair Keatinge Funding pressures in social care are taking charities into territory littered with pitfalls and challenges alike. Not only are they are under pressure from council funding cuts, they face rising wage costs and growing demand for services.
MSPs on the Scottish Parliament's health and sport committee are to investigate whether or not integration authorities are doing enough to involve patients, carers, the third sector and other stakeholders in the design and future of health and social care. All integration authorities have a duty to
Blackwood's CleverCogs system The next five years in digital health and social care is a key topic at this year's Dundee SmartCare Convention, a free event in the Caird Hall tomorrow.
A state-of-the-art housing development which is expected to have a major positive impact on the lives of older people has been officially opened in North Ayrshire. The £4.8 million development at Montgomery Court, Kilbirnie, has been designed to specifically meet the needs of the older population i
The Scottish Government is to invest an extra £107 million to ensure more people are able to be cared for safely in their own homes and avoid preventable admissions to hospital. The money will be invested into health and social care partnerships which bring together NHS and local council care servi
A national delivery plan to up the pace of improvement and change within Scotland’s health and care system has been published. The Health and Social Care Delivery Plan sets out a series of key actions for government and local health and care services to deliver better patient care and better popul