A housing association property near Sunderland has been destroyed in an explosion. Emergency services were called to the Gentoo property in Rosslyn Avenue, Ryhope, at just before 9am on Friday morning.
Uk & International
Hackney Council is inviting housing associations to bid for a £16 million fund made up of Right to Buy receipts in an effort to deliver more affordable homes in the borough. Councils in England have just three years to use any profit made from Right to Buy sales before it is handed over to UK gover
Carl Sargeant The Welsh Government is to suspend the Right to Buy in Cardiff to ensure social housing is available for those who need it, communities and children secretary Carl Sargeant has announced.
Architects in Ireland have raised €124,000 for homeless people by giving free consultations in exchange for donations. In one week, 191 members of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) completed 1,366 one hour consultations with the public for a donation of €90, every cent of w
Two housing providers have launched a public consultation on a proposed merger to create a 12,700 home Greater Lincolnshire landlord. The proposals could see Shoreline Housing Partnership and Boston Mayflower combine in November 2017 if the plans are approved.
Homeless people in Oxford who keep possessions in doorways have been warned they face fines of up to £2,500. Legal notices have been attached to the belongings of rough sleepers outside a city centre shop warning that prosecution could follow if the items were not removed.
Homelessness prevention could be ‘achievable’ for some of the most high-risk groups - care leavers, prison leavers and survivors of domestic abuse - within the next Parliament, according to an All-Party Parliamentary Group for Ending Homelessness (APPGEH) report. The APPGEH, set up with the supp
A move to introduce a Scottish-style ban on letting agent fees in England was included in the Queen’s Speech yesterday. The UK government proposal to remove the fees paid by tenants in the private rented sector will be published as a draft bill for further scrutiny.
Nearly half of landlords are less likely to rent homes to tenants without a British passport as a result of the immigration tests they have to make, according to a new poll. A survey by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) on the impact of the UK government’s Right to Rent scheme which make
Axiom Housing Association chief executive, Alan Lewin, and Longhurst Group chief executive, Julie Doyle Midlands housing associations Longhurst Group and Axiom have agreed to merge to create a 21,300 home organisation.
Sam Lister As the build up to next month’s general election continues, CIH policy and practice officer Sam Lister takes a closer look at what we’re asking for on welfare policy – one of our key election priorities.
Carl Sargeant A consultation has been launched into proposals to return housing associations in Wales to the private sector in order to restore their borrowing abilities.
Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick As the Homelessness Reduction Bill gains Royal Assent in England, Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick responds to its significance.
Terrie Alafat The gap between the help with housing costs that young, single people in the private sector get and their rents is making housing virtually inaccessible, new Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) research has revealed.
The UK Parliament’s work and pensions and communities and local government committees will hear from housing associations and local authorities today on the UK government’s planned shake-up of supported housing funding. The sessions form part of the committees’ joint inquiry into the future of