Carl Sargeant Proposed legislation to abolish the Right to Buy and associated rights is expected to be introduced in the National Assembly for Wales today.
Uk & International
Foreigners and British citizens without passports, particularly those from ethnic minorities, are being discriminated against in the private rental housing market as a result of the Right to Rent scheme designed to crack down on irregular immigration, according to a new report by the Joint Council f
Sajid Javid The UK government will today unveil its latest attempt to fix the broken housing market in England, moving away from full home ownership to a mixed housing model.
L&Q has completed a deal to buy a private land business worth around £505 million in the largest commercial acquisition by the non-profit sector. The charitable housing association, which owns 90,000 homes across London and the South East, has acquired Gallagher Estates which controls plots to
A specialist developer has found an innovative way to help solve the housing crisis by building affordable new homes on urban car parks. With a multi-million pound scheme already underway in Scunthorpe town centre, Pulse Modular Homes Ltd is currently working with a number of local authorities on si
A housing group in the North West of England has agreed terms for one of its member organisations to cut loose and become an independent business. Symphony Housing Group, which currently consists of six housing associations across the region, and Cobalt Housing have agreed the conditions for the lat
With one in ten households in Britain facing fuel poverty this winter, and cold homes contributing to 24,300 excess winter deaths during last year, calls have been made for MPs to step up and take action. This year, 12 MPs from across the political spectrum are signing up to a new approach to tackli
Carl Sargeant A £7.8 million grant has been announced to support local authorities and third sector organisations to deliver front line services to prevent homelessness in Wales.
Nicola McCrudden An independent housing panel to deal with disputes between private tenants and landlords has been mooted for Northern Ireland.
David Cowans, Places for People’s group chief executive Places for People Group has completed its acquisition of housing provider Derwent Living in a merger that is said to make the group one of the UK’s largest property management businesses.
Sajid Javid A £7 billion programme to deliver more than 200,000 new affordable homes in England has been unlocked by communities secretary Sajid Javid in a dramatic expansion of the UK government’s affordable housing programme.
Nick Walkley Chairman of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), Sir Edward Lister, has announced the appointment of Nick Walkley as the chief executive and accounting officer of the agency.
Housing association Your Housing Group is teaming up with a Chinese-state owned company to build 25,000 pre-fabricated homes over the next five years. The £2.5 billion joint venture, which also includes renewable energy specialist Welink, will see China National Building Material Company (CNBM) bui
A major new inquiry starting is to investigate the chronic lack of accessible and adaptable housing available for disabled people in Britain. Following research which found that approximately 1.8 million disabled people require suitable housing and approximately 300,000 do not have the adaptations t
The average rent arrears of a tenant receiving Universal Credit is almost five times the average of those not in receipt of the welfare payment, according to new research. Data and insight provider HouseMark carried out a detailed analysis of benchmarking data submitted by its members to examine the