Cardiff City Council will this week consider recommendations to suspend the ‘Right to Buy’ scheme amid a high demand for housing in the city. The Welsh Government has recently confirmed the intention to end the Right to Buy and Right to Acquire scheme within its current term and local authoritie
Uk & International
Housing staff will stage a demonstration outside Sanctuary Group’s headquarters in Worcester today in protest over proposed pay conditions. Members of the Unite union will highlight to members of the public the difference between CEO David Bennett’s £320,000 salary and the £8,000 pay cut that
Matt Forrest Home Group has announced the appointment of Matt Forrest in a new role of executive director for business development.
A £320 million fund has been launched to help boost the development of the self-sustaining heat network sector throughout the UK.
Councils in England have told people to sleep rough in order to access the relevant support, new research from homelessness charity St Mungo’s has revealed. Shedding light on the dangers of sleeping on the streets for those who experience it on a daily basis, the charity’s report, Nowhere safe t
Earlier this year the Guardian reported that cold homes are a bigger killer across the UK than road accidents, drug abuse or alcohol abuse. The story also highlighted that cold-related illness and hospital admissions will cost the NHS more than £22 billion over the next 15 years. Jason Amos from En
Campbell Robb Campbell Robb is to leave his position as chief executive at Shelter after being appointed as the new chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT).
PRS and urban regeneration specialist Sigma Capital has taken a big step towards becoming a key player in England’s private rented sector after agreeing a £45 million funding deal with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The agreement with the executive public body, which is sponsored by the
Laurice Ponting Insight, data analytics and business development services provider HouseMark welcomed its new chief executive Laurice Ponting yesterday.
John Perry There is no doubt that the introduction of document checks has increased the incentive for landlords to discriminate. So what can be done? CIH policy adviser John Perry explains.
Gillian Guy Citizens Advice is calling for the rest of the UK to follow Scotland’s lead and ban letting agents from charging fees to tenants.
A charity that runs a watersports centre for children has lost a £135,000 VAT case to HM Revenue & Customs in a decision that could have significant implications for the rest of the charity sector. The charity built a new commercial property and incurred VAT on the construction costs. It believ
Private landlords in England pocketed £9.3 billion in housing benefit last year, twice the amount of a decade ago, according to new figures. Analysis by the National Housing Federation revealed how much the taxpayer is forking out to private landlords in the form of Housing Benefit, with takings ba
Affordable housing provider Home Group has devised a way to help its customers overcome one of the biggest barriers to owning a place of their own – saving for a deposit while paying rent. The organisation has committed to match, pound for pound, the UK government cash bonus to savers using a Help
Research by a group of London housing association’s has found that the ‘bedroom tax’ has failed in its objective to free up larger social homes in the city. Introduced in 2013, the UK government’s Social Rented Sector Size Criteria (SRSSC), more commonly known as the bedroom tax, saw househo