The social housing sector in England delivered a solid year of balance sheet growth, underpinned by a strong financial operating performance according to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The 2015 Global Accounts published by the organisation today demonstrate the sector remains financially ro
Uk & International
David Orr Housing associations in England have delayed or cancelled plans to build new sheltered accommodation units due to proposed cuts to housing benefit.
The UK government’s extension of the Right to Buy (RTB) should be funded by central government rather than a levy on local councils, an influential committee of MPs said today. A new report by the communities & local government committee criticised the funding model for the right-to-buy scheme
Sarah MacFdyen By Sarah Macfadyen, policy manager at Crisis
Dr David Smith Over ninety per cent of landlords have received no information from the UK government on their new legal duty to check the immigration status of their tenants.
David Orr Five housing associations in England have opened applications to allow tenants to own their own home under the UK government’s new Voluntary Right to Buy scheme.
Experts have called on the UK government to review its ‘bedroom tax’ policy after a new study revealed the reform is having a serious impact on children’s ability to learn. In the first piece of research to examine the impact of the welfare policy on children and their education, academics fou
A project to revamp derelict homes in Liverpool has won Britain's leading contemporary art award, the Turner Prize. London-based architecture collective Assemble took home the prestigious prize for Granby 4 Streets, a development of 10 empty red-brick terraced houses which brought four empty shops b
Kevin Howell A new director for Wales has been appointed by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH). Kevin Howell, who is currently community regeneration manager at Newydd Housing Association, will take up his new role in the first few months of 2016.
An English local authority has come under fire for blaring bagpipe music during the night in a bid to deter homeless people from sleeping rough at a railway and bus station. The BBC reports that almost 4,000 people have signed a petition against the measure, which was introduced last month by Bourne
Terrie Alafat The UK government’s ‘pay to stay’ policy will discourage people living in social housing from increasing their earnings or finding work, housing professionals fear.
Chester-based housing association Muir Group has blamed rent reductions imposed by the UK government after announcing staff redundancies. In a statement from its chief executive, Catherine Dixson, the organisation said that eight positions currently vacant will be axed, while staff are to be consult
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has classified housing associations in England as public non-financial corporations, leading to an estimated £60 billion increase in public sector net debt. The review by the ONS was in response to latest international guidance in the 2010 European System of
James Brokenshire The UK government is to press ahead with plans requiring landlords to check the immigration status of renters despite a pilot scheme evaluation revealing the policy had an “alarming” impact on homelessness and the “potential” for discrimination.
Karen Buck MP Private renters living in squalid conditions could get the ability to sue their landlord if MPs approve a Private Member’s Bill today.