The Local Government Association (LGA) has called for England to follow Scotland’s lead and scrap Right to Buy (RTB) after new figures revealed a sharp drop in the number of new homes councils were able to get underway to replace those sold off under the policy. Latest figures from the LGA, which
Uk & International
Richard Lambert EU citizens living in the private rented sector (PRS) are worried that Brexit will make it harder for them to rent a home in the UK, according to a new survey.
Greater Manchester landlords Mosscare Housing Group and St Vincent’s Housing have announced their intention to work together to deliver a business case for merging both organisations into a formal partnership.
Housing associations L&Q and the Hyde Group have agreed to abandon their merger plans after months of negotiations.
The Riverside Group has announced that 64 jobs are at risk of redundancy as it needs to make efficiency savings due to government cuts. The North West social housing provider, which owns 6,000 properties, needs to close a £30 million gap in its finances over the next three years.
The Hub, an 84 unit residential development in Harrow on the Hill An investment management group has raised £115 million of equity from a number of UK pension funds to invest in the UK Private Rented Sector (PRS).
The full roll-out of Universal Credit has been delayed until at least March 2022 after the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) announced a revised timetable for the scheme. The UK government's flagship welfare reform, which replaces six current benefits with a single payment, was originally sched
Meg Hillier The design and implementation of the Green Deal and the complementary Energy Company Obligation (ECO) put public money at risk and must not be repeated, MPs said today.
The proposed merger of Sanctuary Group and Housing & Care 21 is now off the table after cultural differences emerged between the two organisations. Initially mooted last month, the merger would have seen the creation of a new 32,000-home operation within Sanctuary Group, known as Sanctuary 21, s
Armed Forces families have been “badly let down” for years after being provided with homes so bad they often don’t have heating and hot water, according to MPs. The cross-party Public Accounts Committee (PAC) blamed the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and contractor CarillionAmey and said the condit
Carwyn Jones Welsh First Minister The Right to Buy scheme has been outlined to be abolished under a bill due to be introduced later this year.
Laurice Ponting Laurice Ponting has been appointed chief executive by HouseMark, taking up the post on 1 October.
Sir Edward Lister Sir Edward Lister has been appointed the new chairman of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).
Landlords in Scotland intend to vote in favour of the UK remaining in the European Union (EU) in the upcoming referendum, according to a recent poll. A survey by the National Landlords Association (NLA) a week before the referendum found that 42 per will vote for the UK to ‘Remain’ with 30 per c
A woman who suffers from psychiatric problems has lost a human rights battle at the Supreme Court to stop her home from being possessed. Five justices at the UK's highest court unanimously dismissed an appeal by 45-year-old Fiona McDonald, whose home in Witney, Oxfordshire, was bought by her parents