Terrie Alafat Almost 7,000 council homes a year could be lost when right to buy is extended to housing associations in England if no extra funding is provided, according to new analysis.
Uk & International
Brandon Lewis Higher earning tenants living in social housing in England will pay a higher level of rent to continue living there, under new proposals unveiled by the UK government.
David Orr The majority of housing associations in England have voted in favour of making a voluntary deal with the UK government to extend its Right to Buy policy.
Eamonn Hogan One in five UK landlords will be out of business in the next two years due to tax break cuts announced by the government, according to a new study.
Macclesfield-based Peaks & Plains Housing Trust is the latest housing association to announce that it may need to make a number of redundancies in the face of UK government reductions in social housing rents. Peaks & Plains, which owns and manages 5,000 homes across East Cheshire and employs
Gavin Smart The number of households accepted as homeless across England has increased by five per cent, according to official figures.
Siddons Court (photo credit: Barnard Marcus) An ex-council flat in London has sold for £1.21 million, more than nine times its initial purchase price.
New Welsh legislation aimed at preventing homelessness has been welcomed in research released today by homelessness charity Crisis. However, the report warns that welfare reforms and cuts introduced by the UK government risk undermining any progress achieved, while the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill cur
Greg Clark Landlords across the UK will be expected to evict tenants who lose the right to live in the UK under new measures to clamp down on illegal immigration.
Clive Betts MP The UK Parliament’s communities and local government (CLG) committee has announced an inquiry into the viability and sustainability of housing associations in England.
Darren Millar An influential assembly committee has called on the Welsh Government to look again at whether it should follow the Scottish model of ‘bedroom tax’ mitigation.
Amber Rudd The UK government's flagship ‘Green Deal’ home energy efficiency programme is to fold as ministers announced they were pulling its funding.
Two of the UK’s largest housing associations are in the early stages of discussions about the potential to create one of Europe’s largest housing associations. A merger between Circle Housing and Affinity Sutton would be the largest ever for UK housing, creating a landlord which would be home to
A local authority in England is consulting on new rules to make it harder for developers to game the planning system and avoid building affordable homes. Viability assessments are used to work out how much affordable housing developers can afford to build as part of new developments.
Staff at a housing association in Stoke are to undertake industrial action over a dispute over cuts to pay and work conditions. The GMB union said some workers employed by Aspire Housing are losing over £5,000 per year, face cuts to sick pay, removal of paid allowances, and on top of that are being