
646-660 of 711 Articles
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Kirsty McKechnie In a guest blog for Shelter Scotland, Kirsty McKechnie, welfare rights worker for Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, gives the story so far for Universal Credit.

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Gaps in the social security safety net are the key reason why people in Scotland are turning to food banks, according to a new report. Published by the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, in association with the Trussell Trust and Oxfam Scotland, the report builds upon UK-wide research wh

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Welfare reform committee deputy convener Jamie Hepburn MSP (left) and convener Michael McMahon MSP Reforms to the benefits system are failing in their objective of encouraging the unemployed into work, according to new research.

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The United Nations (UN) are to investigate the UK government’s welfare reforms following a complaint that there had “grave and systematic” violations of disabled people’s human rights, it has been reported. Disability charity Inclusion Scotland said that they have been contacted by the UN Co

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Gentoo has announced it must make a number of “inevitable redundancies” as it looks to make up an estimated shortfall of £72 million. The Sunderland housing group, which formed a partnership with West of Scotland Housing Association in April 2013, said it needed to save £18m a year for the nex

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Eilidh Whiteford Almost half of all sanctions imposed on the UK government’s Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) have been overturned when reviewed, according to official figures.

646-660 of 711 Articles