Ofgem is consulting on plans to strengthen support for prepayment customers and for all customers who are struggling to pay their energy bills.
Fuel Poverty
An energy company is being established by West Dunbartonshire Council to operate and manage a new unique heating system in Clydebank.
A world-first programme using green hydrogen to heat homes could be built in Fife if proposals are approved by energy regulator Ofgem.
Scottish Labour has written to the UK’s ‘Big Six’ energy companies asking them what they are doing to support customers during the COVID-19 pandemic amid increased bills for customers due to increased time spent at home. According to research by comparethemarket.com, the average en
The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme (Energy Redress Scheme) opens its latest funding round for applications today to charities that support vulnerable energy consumers.
Scarf has partnered with Home Energy Scotland to launch a new emergency hardship fund that aims to help the most vulnerable households across the North East access funds to help heat their homes in these difficult times. The Scarf Heat Fund will help provide instant access to heat for those most at
A new agreement has been reached by the Association for Decentralised Energy and Heat Network suppliers to protect their customers during the COVID-19 crisis as a new survey found household monthly energy costs are set to increase by an average of £32 because of increased fuel use during lockd
Holyrood’s local government and communities committee has written to the Scottish Government regarding its response to COVID-19 and how it has impacted on issues such as homelessness, housebuilding, energy efficiency and short-term lets. In the letter, committee convenor James Dornan MSP asks
Two Scottish housing associations are among the list of successful applicants from an Energy Saving Trust scheme to help people in vulnerable positions heat and power their homes.
Fighting fuel poverty and assisting tenants with a range of welfare benefits has seen Hillcrest Homes’ Energy Advice and Tenancy Sustainment teams collectively generate an incredible financial gain of £1.7 million for tenants in a single year. The huge figure, which was recorded during t
The UK Government has agreed new emergency measures with the energy industry to protect the domestic supply of those most in need during the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Scottish Government has taken the decision not to introduce upcoming regulations to improve the energy efficiency of private rented housing given the current focus on coronavirus.
Fife Council hosted its Fuel Poverty Conference this week, bringing partners together to help people who are struggling to pay for heat and power in their homes. Professionals from a range of council services and partners including Cosy Kingdom, Fife NHS, Energy Action Scotland, and the Chartered In
The Scottish Government has published new legislation on the development of heat networks to help meet climate change targets and tackle fuel poverty.
The Wise Group has committed to supporting 50,000 households with energy advice and advocacy services as it prepares to launch its #50kHomes campaign to lift people out of fuel poverty next month. At a launch event at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow, the Wise Group will call for partners to support it