
1246-1260 of 1637 Articles
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Over 200 people will swap their beds for sleeping bags this November in aid of the UK's longest running sleep-out. Rock Trust’s 24th annual sleep out on Friday 3 November in Edinburgh’s Festival Square will build on the long running relationships the youth homelessness charity has established wi

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Eight members of Almond Housing Association’s housing management team are swapping their comfortable beds for sleeping bags next month to raise ​​money ​​and awareness ​​of ​​the ​​issues ​​of ​​youth ​​homelessness. The staff are taking part in Rock Trust’s Sleep

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Councils in England are buying one-way train tickets for homeless people to move them out of their area, it has been reported. The BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire Show said some councils had spent more than £1,000 a year to remove homeless people by giving them train tickets.

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News that from next week (24 Oct), an emergency out-of-hours service for homeless people in Glasgow won’t open through the night on Tuesdays and Wednesdays should worry us all. The Hamish Allan Centre, where people go at the lowest point of their lives to look for a warm and safe bed for the night

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The provision of services for homeless people in Glasgow is to be further depleted after a night shelter announced it is to close on a Tuesday and Wednesday night. The city’s Hamish Allan Centre, where people are assessed for a bed, will cut back on its emergency out-of-hours services from next we

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TV favourite Lorraine Kelly has got Shelter Scotland’s Dundee fashion show off to a fantastic start by donating two of her own dresses for the event. Dundee’s most famous celebrity interviewer was originally invited to compere the event which takes place on Sunday 29th October at the Malmaison H

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A north-east MSP has called on the Scottish Government to do more to help Aberdeenshire Council build more homes after new figures revealed that local authority has spent almost £7 million putting homeless people into temporary accommodation in the last six years. The statistics, which were release

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An interactive platform that allows people to map their surroundings online is being used by a homelessness charity to locate vacant properties around Dublin and the rest of the country. Reusing Dublin is an interactive web-mapping platform developed by digital solutions social enterprise Space Enga

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Thousands of people in England are "trapped in a cycle of homelessness" due to a lack of affordable and accessible housing, homelessness charity Crisis has said. Its new research shows that 26,000 single people face homelessness on any given night in England, most of whom have very few support needs

1246-1260 of 1637 Articles