An ambitious five-year masterplan to build hundreds of new social houses in North Ayrshire has been unveiled. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) aims to deliver more than 1700 high-quality homes in neighbourhoods where people want to live.
North Ayrshire Council
Work is now under way on a £3.6 million project to build new homes for North Ayrshire Council in Irvine. A special groundbreaking ceremony was held on Thursday at Dickson Drive to mark the official start of construction work to build 24 new modern and energy-efficient homes.
A state-of-the-art housing development which is expected to have a major positive impact on the lives of older people has been officially opened in North Ayrshire. The £5.3 million Glencairn House development at Bill Smith Court, Stevenston, has been designed to specifically meet the needs of older
Council leader Joe Cullinane at the Fullarton High Flats in Irvine North Ayrshire Council has announced it will move forward with plans to demolish the overwhelming majority of tower blocks in North Ayrshire.
Jackie Browne Tenants of North Ayrshire social housing provider ANCHO have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a new partnership with Cairn Housing Association which will deliver accelerated investment in homes and a five-year rent guarantee with services still being delivered in the local area.
Construction work is getting underway on a new £7.66 million sheltered housing complex in Dalry. Provost Ian Clarkson officially marked the beginning of the construction phase of the development at a special ground-breaking ceremony held last week.
The two tower blocks in Saltcoats will be upgraded under the new proposals North Ayrshire Council has amended plans to demolish all its high rise tower blocks following the conclusion of extensive consultation with residents.
Council Leader Joe Cullinane at the Fullarton flats in Irvine Proposals to transform North Ayrshire’s tower blocks transformed into modern low-rise housing could help trigger a major economic boost for the area with the creation of 1,000 new jobs, according to a new report.
The two tower blocks in Saltcoats A consultation on proposals to demolish all the high rise tower blocks in North Ayrshire is to will get underway next week.
North Ayrshire Council is the second Scottish local authority to announce proposals to pull down all its high rise tower blocks. Unveiling its new vision for housing in the region, the council said it could replace five ageing tower blocks in Irvine and two in Saltcoats with modern, state-of-the-art
Cunninghame Housing Association has completed a development of 70 houses and flats for rent in Ardrossan. The total project costs for the Montgomerie Street development, including private finance was, £7,725,987, with £4,519,000 awarded in grant from the Scottish Government.
Irvine High Street A Scottish Government assessment of North Ayrshire Council’s planning team has concluded that it provides the best service of any in Scotland.
Newhouse of Auchengree A ground-breaking architectural gem sitting in the North Ayrshire countryside is in the running to be named House of the Year.
A state-of-the-art housing development which is expected to have a major positive impact on the lives of older people has been officially opened. The £2.8 million development at Robert W Service Court, Kilwinning, has been designed to specifically meet the needs of the older population in North Ayr
Landlords from across Ayrshire are being invited to a special event to discuss forthcoming changes in housing legislation. North Ayrshire Council is hosting the information event, in partnership with East and South Ayrshire Councils, at the Greenwood Conference, Irvine, on Saturday, 11 November.