The Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) has secured a £25 million funding package from the Royal Bank of Scotland to support its current and future operations in some of Scotland’s most remote communities.
A Scottish Housing Day debate is to be held in memory of Alan Ferguson. The Climate Crisis in Housing - 'Too hot to handle’? will debate the statement: "The real problem of minimising residential carbon emissions lies in the private sector, not with social housing".
Student rent has increased almost 20% over the last year according to data released as part of the 2021 Royal Bank of Scotland Student Living Index. There has been a steep increase in student rent bringing the average monthly cost to £518, an increase of 18% from 2020.
Caledonia Housing Association has welcomed a £30 million funding package from Royal Bank of Scotland to support new housing developments across Scotland.
Link Group has negotiated a new £60 million ten-year term loan facility with Royal Bank of Scotland just before the financial year end. This new medium-term borrowing will help support the delivery of Link’s sizable development programme and takes it overall funding with Royal Bank to &p
Cairn Housing Association has welcomed a £55 million funding package from Royal Bank of Scotland to re-finance existing loans, enhance home interiors and develop its pipeline of prospective developments. Operating across 24 local authorities in Scotland with a significant presence in the Centr
Royal Bank of Scotland and its catering provider, BaxterStorey, have distributed more than 6,000 food parcels to Edinburgh’s most vulnerable families since January, thanks to a surge of generous donations.
Shettleston Housing Association has welcomed a £45 million funding package from Royal Bank of Scotland to refinance existing loans and enable completion of its new build development programme within the area. Providing quality affordable homes and services for the communities of Shettleston, G
Argyll and Bute-based housing association Fyne Homes Limited has welcomed a £10 million funding package from Royal Bank of Scotland to refinance existing loans and enable future growth plans within the business.
Royal Bank of Scotland, part of NatWest Group, has announced the launch of its first ever ‘Green Mortgage’ for customers. The new product will offer a preferential interest rate to new or existing customers who are purchasing an energy-efficient property.
Loreburn Housing Association has agreed an additional £20 million funding programme with Royal Bank of Scotland to create a new social housing programme for Dumfries and Galloway.
Shire Housing Association has obtained a £10.5 million funding package from Royal Bank of Scotland to refinance existing debt, enable future expansion plans and enhance existing office and tenant facilities.
Hillcrest Homes has secured a £50 million private finance deal at “extremely competitive rates” as it continues the largest development programme in its history. The Association worked with ATFS and Royal Bank of Scotland for the deal which it said will ensure that its rents can co
Natwest Group has announced that it will be investing £3 billion in social housing across the UK over the next three years. The funding will be used to support the construction of 20,000 homes.
Cunninghame Housing Association has agreed a £15 million funding programme with Royal Bank of Scotland to create a new social housing programme for Ayrshire and the Borders. The long-term facility, which builds upon an existing relationship with the bank, will fund 236 new homes across the Wes