Last week's article in Scottish Housing News highlighting the lack of adequate governance at the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) will be of concern to many in the sector. Effectively, we have a case of "Do as I say, not as I do", writes Bruce Forbes. There are serious issues at play here. The
Scottish Housing Regulator
Scotland’s social housing sector has seen a continued increase in lender and investor confidence and remains financially strong with sufficient access to funding, a new report has found.
Only one of the 12 statutory interventions into Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) made by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) since 2014 was sanctioned by its Board - with 11 of the decisions made by third-tier staff at assistant director level, it has emerged.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has written to all social landlords to highlight incidents of fraud in registered social landlords (RSLs). The letter, which highlights different types of fraud and the steps social landlords can take to help protect their organisation, comes after a small number of RS
The Scottish Housing Regulator is to investigate Glasgow City Council’s service for people who are homeless after finding that a “significant number of people” are still failing to receive temporary and emergency accommodation when required.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today published a report on the findings of its inquiry into Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Housing Options and Homeless Service. The regulator found that the council has significantly improved the service and is working more effectively with its Registered
Scottish Housing News (SHN) was in Glasgow yesterday to celebrate 25 years of Govan Law Centre and caught up with George Walker, chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator and Mike Dailly, principal solicitor of GLC. View our video below:
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has highlighted the importance of a strong tenant voice to a national tenant conference. George Walker, SHR chair, and board member Helen Trouten Torres, were speaking at the Tenant Participation Advisory Service Scotland conference in St. Andrews.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published audited financial statements for 2018/19 for all Residential Social Landlords (RSLs).
Wishaw & District Housing Association has completed its transfer of engagements to Trust Housing Association following approval from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a summary of the risks it will focus on in its annual risk assessment.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a short guide to help tenants and service users find out more about its work.
Aberdeenshire Council has missed another deadline for meeting the Scottish Government’s minimum standards at one of its sites for Gypsy/Travellers but has delivered service improvements for people who are homeless.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has achieved Cyber Essentials Plus certification for its business intelligence system for the second year.
Arklet Housing Association has completed its transfer its engagements to Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association.