Glasgow City Council's Universal Credit support hubs have brought in more than £15.2 million in financial gains for people living in the city.
The no-deal Brexit preparations published yesterday by the Scottish Government have revealed that a £7 million poverty fund will be implemented if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.
Scotland risks unravelling the main reason behind lower levels of poverty without a long-term focus on boosting supply and affordability of housing, a new report has found.
Cyrenians has partnered with Edinburgh Short Film Festival and award-winning actor, writer and producer Jamie Robson to explore the power of film in affecting social change. This year, the charity is working alongside Jamie Robson to highlight the social issues faced by those most excluded from soci
Fife Council has commissioned a study to discover how living in a rural area can have a significant impact on those living in poverty. The research has revealed that public transport costs in rural Fife are making it more difficult for unemployed people to access job opportunities, new research has
The Scottish Government has taken the first steps to create the new Scottish Child Payment. The new £10 weekly payment has taken its first step to being introduced, with draft regulations being sent to the Scottish Commission on Social Security for scrutiny.
Councillors in Edinburgh are being asked to prioritise poverty and sustainability as a means of improving residents’ wellbeing.
A new investigation has highlighted the dearth of accommodation that families on benefits can afford in Scotland’s largest cities and in rural areas.
Homeless people have been helped by Glasgow City Council to apply for more than £500,000 in benefits.
A new report published today has revealed how the Scottish Government's Scottish Child Payment could be improved to better meet the needs of low-income families in Scotland.
New figures released by the Scottish Government's annual Health Survey have indicated that more people living in Scotland have been worried about running out of food in the past year.
Jeremy Corbyn has pledged that a future Labour government would scrap Universal Credit, calling the flagship Conservatives welfare reform “inhumane” and an “unmitigated disaster”. Speaking in the Chingford constituency of the policy’s architect, Iain Duncan Smith, the L
Bield Housing & Care has pledged its support to this year's Scottish Housing Day with a theme of 'Housing as a Human Right'. Scottish Housing Day is an annual celebration which aims to bring the housing sector together to mark the positive impact that good quality homes can make across Scotland.
Social landlords are to receive a share of £1.5 million of support to prevent homelessness for low-income families. The funding is part of a multi-million pound package of measures from the Scottish Government to improve access to learning, advice and employment support for low-income families
North Lanarkshire Council is to establish a fund to help tenants who find themselves falling into arrears due to a built-in-waiting time for Universal Credit payments to be processed and paid.