The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and CIH have criticised the Scottish Government for reducing its funding for the Affordable Supply Programme as part of its 2023-24 Scottish Budget yesterday.
Cih Scotland
CIH Scotland has highlighted the contribution that the housing sector makes in supporting people living with dementia but warned that this support is not consistent across different organisations or across housing tenures. The Scottish Government’s national conversation on dementia, launched t
University of Glasgow housing student Nicky Imrie has received a prestigious award for her work outlining the importance of homelessness and help with housing costs as key drivers for UK housing policy change. Ms Imrie, who is studying an MSc in housing studies, was awarded the Malcolm Smith Memoria
A new report on alternative models of rent control for Scotland has been launched by the Cross Party Group on Housing launched at a meeting in the Scottish Parliament yesterday. During the meeting, Professor Ken Gibb, director of the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE), presented th
Link Housing’s Tenant Scrutiny Panel took home the Excellence in Tenant Scrutiny award at the Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland Awards 2022. The award, sponsored by the Scottish Government, is aimed at landlords and their tenants who can demonstrate excellence in working collaboratively
CIH Scotland has welcomed new measures which increase transparency over land ownership and use, but has raised concerns over how easy it will be for some to take advantage of these new rights. The proposed Bill has the potential to enable community groups and social landlords to take advantage of ru
The winners of the Chartered Institute of Housing’s (CIH) Scotland Housing Awards have been announced at a special ceremony at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Glasgow last night. The Scotland Housing Awards recognise the creativity, passion and innovation of housing organisations and individuals acr
A group of housing organisations have written to John Swinney, the acting cabinet secretary for finance and the economy, urging the Scottish Government to prioritise the delivery of social homes in the upcoming budget. The letter to the deputy first minister was signed by Shelter Scotland, the
Emergency legislation to freeze rents has been the first piece of Scottish legislation to be vetted by King Charles as it passed the first stage of scrutiny at the Scottish Parliament yesterday. A motion to treat the Cost of Living (Protection of Tenants) (Scotland) Bill 2022 as emergency legis
Three new board members have been appointed to support the work of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) in Scotland. Kerry Clayton, governance and compliance manager at Elderpark Housing, Helen Merriman, housing services manager at East Ayrshire Council, and Paul Scott, director of operations at
The shortlisted nominees for the Scotland Housing Awards have been announced by CIH Scotland ahead of the awards event on October 27th at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Glasgow. CIH Scotland said the awards represent an opportunity to recognise, showcase, celebrate and share the "incredible and inspirati
To mark World Alzheimer’s Day, National Housing and Dementia Forum co-chair Ashley Campbell encourages organisations to help support people to live well with dementia. For most of us, our home is the place we feel safe, where we can relax, and enjoy time with family and friends. Our
Callum Chomczuk trails an upcoming report scheduled to be released during Scottish Housing Day tomorrow. A high level of housing standard that meets our economic, social and environmental ambitions as a country is essential if we want a housing system that is truly sustainable.
Responding to a call for evidence from the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, CIH Scotland has raised some concerns about the lack of detail set out in the Bill about the role of housing in the new NCS and local Care Boards. The response highlights the need for bett
A new report that sets out recommendations for how the Scottish Government and partner organisations can better support people to live well with dementia has been published. Established by the Scottish Government in 2021, the National Housing and Dementia Forum released its report Living well a