Callum Chomczuk, national director of CIH Scotland, discusses the need to consider land supply to deliver homes and build communities across Scotland. The pandemic has taught us all the importance of having a safe, affordable place to call home, but with market trends in Scotland pointing to si
Cih Scotland
CIH Scotland has appointed Indigo House to review the existing qualification and training requirements for letting agencies. As part of its brief, Indigo House will evaluate whether the existing continuous professional development (CPD) requirements for letting agents:
CIH Scotland has launched a new guide setting out how landlords can ensure the right to adequate housing is realised for all tenants. The report, Walking the Talk, recognises that human rights is both a rapidly evolving and complex area and it provides information and advice to help housing professi
CIH Scotland has announced its intention to review the existing qualification and training requirements for letting agencies. The institute is looking to appoint a researcher to evaluate whether the current continuing professional development (CPD) needs for letting agents:
Fife Council has congratulated its very own head of housing services, John Mills, after he scooped the Excellence in Leadership Award at this year’s Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland Awards for excellence in housing. The Scotland Housing Awards recognise the creativity, passion and
Ending Scotland’s contribution to climate change, tackling inequalities and investing in the economy and public services were at the forefront of the 2022-2023 Scottish Budget yesterday though some in the housing sector believe it has fallen short in delivering on house building and energy eff
Housing charity Shelter Scotland has joined forces with CIH Scotland and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) in an open letter to MSP Kate Forbes, cabinet secretary for finance and the economy, to ask for a guarantee on the social house building commitment ahead of the Scottish Go
Ahead of the Scottish Government consultation on the whole rented sector, CIH Scotland has published a policy paper setting out where it considers the government should focus its reforms.
As CIH Scotland publishes a policy paper setting out where it considers the Scottish Government should focus its whole rented sector reforms, national director Callum Chomczuk, argues why housing standards and tenants' rights should also be aligned. The housing system in Scotland is notori
North Lanarkshire Council's Tenant Participation Team was awarded frontline team of the year for its outstanding work during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Link Group has earned the prestigious title of housing provider of the year following a win at the 2021 CIH Scotland Housing Awards.
Kingdom Housing Association is celebrating a double win at the CIH Scotland Housing Awards, the country’s annual awards for excellence in housing, lifting the top prizes for Excellence in Customer Service and Excellence in Tenant Scrutiny. At a gala event held in Glasgow, the CIH Scotland Hous
The winners of the Chartered Institute of Housing’s (CIH) Scotland Housing Awards for excellence in housing have been announced at a special ceremony at the DoubleTree Hilton in Glasgow on Thursday 25 November 2021.
Three new members will be appointed to the CIH Scotland board as John Kerr, Margaret Moore and current chair Esther Wilson are due to step down at the CIH AGM on December 3 having all served the maximum two terms. John, housing development and homelessness manager at West Dunbartonshire Council and
Catherine Hall, a member of the Policy and Practice Team at CIH Scotland before leaving to pursue a PhD in environmental law, discusses equality, diversity and inclusion in the aftermath of COVID-19. As we continue to better understand Covid-19, there exists a growing realisation that the virus was