East Ayrshire Council

61-75 of 118 Articles
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The future of planning in East Ayrshire has been thrown open to the public with the launch of the council’s Local Development Plan2 consultation this week. Residents, community groups and local businesses are all being asked to contribute their views on a new Main Issues Report, which sets the

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East Ayrshire Council has agreed its budget for 2020/21, agreeing a 4.84% rise in council tax and a 1.5% increase in council house rents. The council tax rise equates to £1375.35 for band D households, in line with Scottish Government recommendations. The council house rents increase equates t

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Up to six unaccompanied child asylum seekers are to be brought to East Ayrshire as part of a resettlement deal. East Ayrshire Council's cabinet agreed the proposal after it previously been granted by East Ayrshire's Integrated Joint Board (IJB).

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James Cartwright explores what the What Works Community pilot teams at East Ayrshire Council, Southend Borough Council and Pembrokeshire County Council learned about the value of data practices at the project's first residential.

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Members of East Ayrshire Council’s Planning and Economic Development Service and Vibrant Communities teams were celebrating after two of their projects picked up top awards at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning annual ceremony. Shortlisted for two of five categories, Plans and Partner

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The site of the former Bellfield Primary School in Kilmarnock is once again thriving at the heart of the community with two phases of new council housing having been completed and tenants now moving into their new homes.

61-75 of 118 Articles