Hillcrest has shown its appreciation for the work that keyworkers, carers and NHS staff have been doing during the coronavirus pandemic which the launch of a new video.
With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic causing issues for many who may be unable to leave their home, as well as worrying about financial uncertainly, Hillcrest has hailed the actions of its housing teams who have been working non-stop making sure tenants are supported. The teams have been proactivel
Hillcrest has hailed the contribution of its income management staff during the current coronavirus pandemic which has resulted in an increase of calls from tenants worried about their inability to pay rent. The income management team's job is to check tenant’s rent accounts to make sure that
Hillcrest Futures has praised its Hillcrest Futures staff who are risking their health every single day to ensure that its support services continue.
Bus enthusiast Daniel Aberdein was left delighted when National Express Xplore Dundee named one of its buses after him. The special dedication was unveiled last week when Mr Aberdein visited the Xplore Dundee bus depot where he was treated to an exclusive guided tour of the facility.
A talk about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from a survivor of The Clutha Vaults helicopter crash kicked off the launch of Hillcrest’s mental health first aiders, who will be available to support staff across the whole organisation. Michael Byrne (front) with (from left) HR manager Sara
Hillcrest Homes has showcased its plans to transform a former Dundee jute mill into social housing.
Hillcrest Homes, in partnership with developer AG Akermo, has submitted plans to Dundee City Council to turn a former jute mill in Dundee into 69 "affordable" flats.
A fundraising campaign set up by Hillcrest Futures has raised £771 to help keep vulnerable people in Dundee and Perth warm and safe during the harsh winter months. (from left) Alan Hinnrichs, Hillcrest Futures project worker; Fiona Holt, Hillcrest Futures senior harm reduction worker and Graem
Staff and residents at a Hillcrest Futures service in Edinburgh have extended their thanks to the Barclay Viewforth Church for a surprise donation of £208. The team at Bruntsfield House received the money which was raised from the retiring offering at the church’s Watchnight service on C
Dundee City Council has approved plans to build 14 new social housing flats in Lochee.
Hillcrest welcomed housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP to officially open a new £7 million development in Edmonstone, Edinburgh of 47 affordable homes innovatively built into a historic wall. Welcomed by Hillcrest chairman Alan Russell, Hillcrest chief executive Angela Linton, Cruden Homes
Plans have been submitted to transform a dilapidated Montrose textile factory into 26 flats for social rent. The former Chapel Works, also known as Paton’s Mill, was founded in 1795 as a linen and rope works and has been on the buildings at risk register for a number of years after closing in
Festive cheer and Christmas magic filled Hillcrest Futures’ activities hub in the Hilltown earlier this week when adults supported with learning disabilities and autism visited Santa’s grotto. The inclusive grotto was devised by the Dundee-based charity to allow individual
Over 40 ex-nurses of the former Sunnyside Royal Hospital near Montrose visited the iconic site on Friday to tour the grounds one last time and cut the turf to mark Sunnyside’s new lease of life as a housing development. During their visit around the grounds of the estate, overlooked by the his