Hillcrest has successfully secured £310,380 from a range of donors to support people and communities in Scotland who have been most affected by the pandemic. The funds have enabled Hillcrest to scale up the services they currently deliver to help vulnerable people face challenges brought on by
Scotland’s national chef Gary Maclean is backing a new campaign to help families struggling with rising fuel bills by providing tasty ways of keeping costs down. Masterchef: The Professionals champion Gary has teamed up with fuel poverty champions Energy Action Scotland (EAS) and Ruc
Seven landlords across Scotland have come together with housing software solutions provider Housing Online Ltd to develop a new digital lettings service called These Homes. These Homes is a bespoke system designed to easily capture the needs and aspirations of all applicants who only have to registe
Dundee-based charity Hillcrest Futures has raised £500 through an online fundraising campaign to help keep vulnerable people in Tayside warm and safe during the harsh winter months.
Scottish Housing News has been gratified to receive many endorsements and messages of congratulations for our two decades of daily support to Scotland’s social housing - our next testimonial comes from Hillcrest chief executive Angela Linton.
Hillcrest is among a trio of social housing organisations to sign up to support the development of HACT’s social value roadmap. The Association joins alongside CHP and Yorkshire Housing.
Following on from its successful engagement with Caledonia Housing Association in Perth, where a £1.1 million development is nearing completion at Crieff Road, contracting firm Webster Developments has announced that it has won another significant housing association contract.
Many people lost loved ones in 2020. Hillcrest is running a charity raffle in memory of them all, with a special mention to six Hillcrest diamonds who were taken too soon: Caroline Stephen, Ken Birse, Patrick Hunter, Jack Robertson, Irene Heuer and Ann Dickson.
Regeneration work to convert a disused former power loom weaving mill in Arbroath into 24 affordable apartments is now complete, with the keys ready to be handed over to the first group of tenants.
Hillcrest has received funding of £100,000 from Barclays to support people in Scotland who have been most affected by the pandemic. The funds will enable Hillcrest to upscale the services it currently delivers to help vulnerable people, such as low-income families, isolated older people and pe
Hillcrest has launched a brand new tenant app which will put a multitude of functions including getting in touch, reporting repairs and requesting advice or support right at users’ fingertips.
Hillcrest’s 2021 governing board members event, which plays a key role in determining the company’s direction over the coming year, has taken place virtually amongst ongoing Covid-19 restrictions.
Work has recently started on a new Hillcrest Homes development of 39 affordable modern apartments in Perth.
Hillcrest Homes has picked up a prestigious Business Hero award, courtesy of the British Chambers of Commerce.
Grant funding of £175K secured by Hillcrest Homes and Abertay Housing Association has been used to provide a vital lifeline for the Dundee community, funding a wide range of valuable support for those struggling as a result of COVID-19. The money, which came from the Supporting Communities Fun