The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) brought Ofgem chair Martin Cave together with Scottish housing associations to discuss the impact of the ongoing energy crisis on the social housing sector and what’s needed to tackle it.
In this month's SFHA TECH column, Steph Elliot considers digital inclusion and what it means for the social housing sector. With the Analogue to Digital telephone switch off on its way, it is important for landlords to consider the impact the switch off will have on their tenants, how
Four of Scotland’s leading housing organisations have jointly published a new briefing on tackling damp and mould in the social housing sector.
Additional funding provided by the Scottish Government for the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund will help almost 30,000 more social housing tenants with spiralling fuel costs, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said. The fund is part of the Scottish Government
Housing organisations are coming together to provide the sector with new guidance on tackling damp and mould, in light of an increased focus on the issue following the tragic death of Awaab Ishak.
Steph Elliot continues the SFHA's monthly TECH column with an introduction to the Near Me feature now available to housing associations free of charge. Near Me is an internet platform that helps health and social care providers, local authorities and other 3rd party organisations offer vid
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations' chief executive Sally Thomas has written to The Herald to correct a recent article that the SFHA said may have caused "unnecessary concern" to tenants. The article in question concerns the emergency rent and eviction provisions brought in by
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has written to the Scottish Government to welcome the removal of the freeze on social rents that was announced last week, but making clear there are still unresolved issues. Following sustained efforts by SFHA, the Scottish Government announced
Tenants' rights minister Patrick Harvie has announced that he intends to cap private sector rents at 3% and that evictions will continue to be prevented for all tenants except in a number of specified circumstances from April.
The Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) will be the main sponsor for the upcoming Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) Development Conference taking place on Wednesday 15th March 2023 at Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow.
An agreed definition of a Scottish equivalent of the Passivhaus standard which will become the minimum for all new housing in the country is to be the subject of consultation between the Scottish Government and the building industry, Patrick Harvie has confirmed. Last month, the
Social justice secretary Shona Robison has announced an additional £2.4 million in funding to help people struggling to afford food and other essentials. The funds will go to four organisations to distribute mainly on a ‘cash-first’ basis to people in immediate need in the face of
The Scottish Government has decided not to extend rent controls for social housing providers beyond March 2023 with social landlord representatives bodies announcing their members’ plans for below-inflation rent increases for the next financial year. COSLA has issued a statement of intent whic
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and CIH have criticised the Scottish Government for reducing its funding for the Affordable Supply Programme as part of its 2023-24 Scottish Budget yesterday.
Steph Elliot continues the SFHA's monthly TECH column with a call for organisations to sign up to the TEC in Housing Charter. The reach of the housing sector extends across Scotland and services millions of people in every community. Individually and as a collective we have the potent