The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has welcomed plans for welfare benefits to keep pace with inflation but expressed concern that other measures announced as part of the UK Government’s Autumn statement don’t go far enough to protect social housing tenants during an u
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has urged the UK Government to increase benefits in line with inflation after its members reported that more working tenants are being affected by the cost of living crisis, with some struggling to afford commuting expenses. The findings of
North East Fife MSP Willie Rennie and local councillor Jonny Tepp joined representatives from the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) in a visit to Kingdom Housing Association’s largest green housing development to date. The £6.9 million development at Balgove Road in Gaul
TECH is launching its Analogue to Digital telephony switch-off awareness campaign with a countdown to the 2025 switch-off. Steph Elliot explains more in the monthly TECH column from the SFHA. In 2025 the current, Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
SFHA has submitted a response to the second part of the Scottish Government’s consultation on the new build heat standard. The proposed standard, which is set to come into force in 2024, will prohibit any new building applying for a building warrant to make use of a direct emissions heating sy
A group of housing organisations have written to John Swinney, the acting cabinet secretary for finance and the economy, urging the Scottish Government to prioritise the delivery of social homes in the upcoming budget. The letter to the deputy first minister was signed by Shelter Scotland, the
The Scottish Federation of Housing Association (SFHA) has said that demand for its new round of funding has highlighted the unprecedented scale of the energy crisis as well as housing associations and co-operatives’ determination to help tenants with spiralling fuel costs. This latest £2
Housing associations make further pitch against rent freeze as legislation is laid before Parliament
Housing associations have joined letting agents and bodies in expressing fears that the Scottish Government’s rent freeze proposals, which are being introduced to the Scottish Parliament today, will “jeopardise” affordable housebuilding and result in a reduction in the nu
The social housing sector provides one of the most important protections from poverty in Scotland, attendees at the 47th AGM of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) heard this week as its members reflected on the successes and challenges of 2021/22. Members also heard how, during t
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said that its members are key to tackling the cost of living crisis, but soaring construction costs, net zero targets and proposed government rent controls all threaten social landlords’ ability to play their part. Giving evidence to t
In the monthly TECH column from the SFHA, Steph Elliot introduces the Healthier Homes initiative. The Healthier Homes initiative, supported by TECH, is a four-phased project to understand, test and evaluate if the combination of digital technologies, customer engagement, partnership working, an
The essential role housing providers play in Scottish life was set out in an illuminating SFHA presentation to the AGM of Rural Stirling Housing Association. In a briefing focusing on “Housing to 2040” delivered by Aaron Hill, the SFHA’s director of policy and membership, the impac
The headline findings of social landlords’ performance against the standards and outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter during 2021/22 as well as headlines from the Scottish Government’s latest homelessness statistics have been provided in a new report from the Scottish Housing
With soaring energy bills and the cost of living crisis severely affecting social housing tenants across Scotland, financial support has been announced for housing associations and co-operatives to help tenants who are in, or at risk of, fuel poverty. Cabinet secretary for net zero, energy and trans
Steph Elliot from the SFHA returns with the monthly TECH column with a focus on work going on, in and around the TECH community. This month, she highlights a grant-funded Test of Change opportunity that relates to fire safety. From February this year, every home in Scotland is now required to h