Planning Minister Kevin Stewart blogs about the need for Scottish Parliament to amend the Planning Bill to ensure it supports economic growth. The Financial Memorandum for the Planning Bill has been published. This sets out the estimates of the financial implications of the legislation as it st
The collapse of energy supplier Our Power sent a shockwave through the Scottish housing sector. Prop-tech entrepreneur Stephen Henesy of Helpthemove believes technology and utilities are still key to unlocking new revenue streams for housing associations looking to benefit their tenants. The failure
Every day Shelter Scotland fights for the right to safe, secure and affordable housing and to mark last week’s International Women’s Day, Aoife Deery took the opportunity to reflect on the work of the women, past and present, who have helped to improve housing for other women in Scotland
Neil Clapperton, CEO of Grampian Housing Association, reflects on the collapse of Our Power, the housing association-backed energy provider. Our Power was an amazing creature, a utility with a heart, an energy supplier that cared for those on the margins, households in fuel poverty. It was the brain
With human rights once again on the domestic and international agenda, Shelter Scotland wants to ensure that any new legislation puts good housing right at its heart, writes Lisa Glass. A new Act of the Scottish Parliament on human rights?
In light of the announcement by the Scottish Government regarding the implementation date for Freedom of Information (FOI) applying to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), Eileen Barr and Len Freedman outline the areas covered by the new regime. On 11 November 2019 all Scottish RSLs will become subje
Madeline Cross, events and communications co-ordinator at youth homelessness charity the Rock Trust asks why it is so hard for young people to rent privately, and what needs to change.
In the first in a Scottish Government series of guest blogs, Phil Wray provides an insight into the progress Glasgow City Mission has made this winter, helping more people into settled accommodation. Most of us have had the heart-rending experience of walking through a city on a cold winter morning
A model agreement between the Scottish Government, West Lothian Council and a newly-created joint venture could help tackle Scotland’s housing crisis if replicated in other regions, writes Russell Munro. Mary Queen of Scots is said to have stopped off at Niddry Castle near the village of Winch
David Bookbinder tackles the thorny issue of tenement repairs and offers workable solutions which he believes could save this vital part of Scotland’s community and heritage.
Lisa Glass responds to the latest Scottish Government statistics on homeless applications and households in temporary accommodation.
CIH policy and practice officer Sam Lister rounds up all the latest changes to Universal Credit – including some which have slipped under the radar. Already in 2019 we’ve seen several new announcements about Universal Credit – in addition to those in the November Budget. Some have
Planning consultant Colin Lavety makes the case for housing land allocation decisions to be made at a national level which he argues would standardise the process and increase the number of homes being delivered. Encouraging local authorities to empower communities across Scotland is a man
CIH President Jim Strang and chief executive of Scottish Women's Aid Marsha Scott examine the role of housing in helping to protect people experiencing domestic abuse.
Marking one year since the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act saw private rented civil cases transferred to the Housing and Property Chamber, BTO solicitor Lauren McLeod provides comment on how the tribunals have been working in practice. Unlike the short assured tenancy regime, which allowe