Amy Norton Amy Norton argues that promoting more Build to Rent developments for the mid-market rent sector would be an effective means of striking a balance to get investment so more properties are built to help contribute towards the Scottish Government’s affordable housing pledge.
Kevin Stewart Planning minister Kevin Stewart blogs about the Planning (Scotland) Bill and what’s next for Stage 2 consideration.
Richard Soldan Lane Clark & Peacock partner Richard Soldan discusses the impact of the September 2017 valuation of the Social Housing Pension Scheme.
Rock Trust property officer Tammy Reilly details a new Rent Deposit Scheme project which aims to help young people secure tenancies in the private sector. What are the causes of homelessness? We ask again and again. We share evidence. We share reports. Some of the answers change, some stay the same.
In a guest blog written for Inclusion Scotland, the Equality and Human Rights Commission highlights a new guide for disabled people living in Scotland looking at social housing, the private rented sector and adaptations (for all tenures). In December 2016, the Equality and Human Rights Commission la
Jim Barclay Following on from last week’s Annual Homelessness Conference, Glasgow Homeless Network’s Jim Barclay issues a challenge to the sector to work closer together to end homelessness in Scotland.
Debbie Collins Investment in technology has far wider benefits for care providers than purely financial sustainability, providing the industry keeps pace, writes Debbie Collins.
CIH Scotland's policy and practice manager Ashley Campbell takes a look at the role of housing in helping to address poverty for Challenge Poverty Week last week.
Jessica Husbands To mark Challenge Poverty Week, Jessica Husbands look at three ways in which poverty in Scotland can be addressed in a meaningful way.
Martin Armstrong As Universal Credit continues to roll out across Scotland’s biggest city, Wheatley chief executive Martin Armstrong explains how the housing, care and property-management group is preparing tenants in Glasgow and beyond for the challenges it presents.
Claire Frew Claire Frew, policy & impact manager at the Glasgow Homelessness Network, blogs ahead of the Annual Homelessness Conference 2018.
George Walker As the Scottish Housing Regulator gears up to launch a consultation on its new Regulatory Framework this month, chair George Walker gives a brief update.
David Orr In another blog marking his time as chief executive of the National Housing Federation, David Orr explores the role politics has played in the story of the housing association sector.
David Orr In the latest in a series of blogs looking back at his time as chief executive of the National Housing Federation, David Orr writes why he thinks some people say housing associations have lost their social purpose (and why it’s simply not true).
David Orr In one of a series of blogs looking back at his time as National Housing Federation chief executive, David Orr examines how remarkably resilient and adaptable housing associations are in the face of great change.