Mike Wright Cyrenians’ exclusive monthly column for Scottish Housing News continues with outreach service manager, Mike Wright, outlining the importance of building relationships when working to reduce homelessness.
CIH vice president Jim Strang CIH Vice President Jim Strang calls on the UK government to reconfirm its commitment to reinstating housing payments for 18-21 year olds.
Kevin Stewart MSP Housing minister Kevin Stewart responds to a summary report on the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group's 2017-18 Winter Initiative.
Esther Wilson CIH Scotland chair Esther Wilson reflects on the important links between housing, health and social care and encourages housing organisations to re-examine their services to ensure that people with dementia are able to live independently at home.
The Boathouse at Alva. Image: Scottish Land Commission As community groups across Scotland are opening up their doors showcasing what happens on community owned land in the first Community Land Week, Scottish Land Commissioner, Megan MacInnes looks at the importance of community land ownership and i
Despite the many improvements to housing in the last 50 years, soaring costs mean access to affordable housing has become more difficult, writes Debbie King. At Shelter Scotland we believe there should be a decent and affordable home for everyone. Since our beginnings, 50 years ago, in 1968, it is w
Callum Chomczuk Following the announcement from Serco that it will pause plans to evict asylum seekers from their homes in Glasgow, CIH Scotland's deputy director Callum Chomczuk revisits the issue of 'right to rent' and asks should Scotland be worried?
Drew Moore Drew Moore, technical services manager at PfH Scotland, writes on how rising costs are taking their toll on repair and maintenance being an ongoing priority for Scotland’s social landlords.
Hanover Scotland chief executive, Helen Murdoch, writes about how our ageing population and complex care needs require a new housing funding model. For over a decade, governments have begun to react and plan for a much older population. In Scotland, the number of people aged over 75 is estimated to
Graham Simpson MSP CIH Scotland’s deputy director Callum Chomczuk caught up with Conservative MSP for Central Scotland and shadow minister for housing and communities Graham Simpson.
Eric Curran Eric Curran, managing partner of independent chartered surveyors DM Hall, looks at the complex property market influences which can prohibit first time buyers finding a home.
Ben Macpherson Inward migration is crucial to Scotland’s growth and prosperity. People who choose to make Scotland their home provide a vital contribution to our country’s economy, enhance our collective social and cultural well-being, and help to make Scotland the open and forward-looking natio
CIH vice president Jim Strang Chartered Institute of Housing vice president Jim Strang reacts to news that hundreds of asylum seekers in Glasgow face eviction.
Lisa Glass Lisa Glass on Shelter Scotland’s new report which found that 38 children were made homeless every day in Scotland last year.
Aileen Campbell MSP Aileen Campbell on her new role as cabinet secretary for communities and local government.