Shelter Scotland’s campaigns and policy officer Aoife Deery on why 2019 must be a year in which the momentum towards tackling homelessness continues.
As the Fuel Poverty Bill continues to make its way through Parliament, CIH Scotland’s policy and practice manager Ashley Campbell reflects on the need for cross party commitment to achieve real changes. On 16 October the National Records of Scotland published its annual statistics showing how
Several recent judgements by the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) show that tenants now have an effective way of making sure that their landlord or letting agent meet the minimum standards for the condition of their homes, writes James Mullaney.
In this new blog for CIH Scotland, Linda Moir, former director of customer service at Virgin Atlantic and head of event services at the London 2012 Olympic Games, talks about the importance of delivering excellent customer service in your organisation. Throughout my professional life I have lived an
Scape Group chief executive, Mark Robinson, on the Scottish Government’s fresh investment into affordable housing and the barriers needed to overcome for delivery. Demand for affordable housing in Scotland dramatically outstrips supply. While the Scottish Government aims to deliver 50,000 affo
Housing minister Kevin Stewart Housing minister Kevin Stewart says the Scottish Government’s world leading Fuel Poverty Bill will continue to transform people’s lives.
Eric Curran Marking a decade since the introduction of Home Reports, Eric Curran highlights issues such as length, categories, valuation price and the importance of being on a lender panel.
The concentration of Airbnb lets in Edinburgh is higher than that of New York, Berlin, Barcelona and even London. Izzy Gaughan asks what this means for Scotland's housing crisis? The problem:
Bruce Forbes Bruce Forbes on how charitable fundraising alone cannot solve homelessness and that stating otherwise can understate the severity of the problem.
Callum Chomczuk CIH Scotland's national director Callum Chomczuk takes a look at the issue of older people's housing in Scotland and the need for more accessible housing.
Craig McLaren Craig McLaren outlines how RTPI Scotland is influencing the Planning (Scotland) Bill.
One year after private renters were given new rights, James Mullaney looks at what has improved and what still needs to be done. The new housing legislation was passed following extensive campaigning from Shelter Scotland. Over the years countless people have come to us for help dealing with landlor
Jon Sparkes As the publication of the Scottish Government’s new Action Plan for Ending Homelessness Together was debated in the Scottish Parliament last week and received cross-party backing, Jon Sparkes, Crisis chief executive and chair of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG)
Dr Gareth James summarises the Scottish results from a UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) study into co-producing research priorities from across the UK and draws out some of the issues specific to Scotland. This blog is part of a series on the CaCHE approach to co-producing resear
In a week which saw the Scottish Government publish its action plan for tackling homelessness, Bruce Forbes gives his take on the policy developments and the upcoming ‘Sleep in the Park’ events.