The City of Edinburgh Council and its partner Novoville are proud to announce the release of Novoville Shared Repairs, a new app dedicated to improving the condition of property in co-ownership in Edinburgh, and all of Scotland.
City Of Edinburgh Council
Members of the Edinburgh Tenants Federation (ETF) attended an organisation meeting earlier this month to find out more about the City of Edinburgh Council’s new house building programme and Shelter Scotland’s social housing campaign Build Scotland’s Future. Well aware of the p
A minimum 2.5% annual rent increase over the next four years is one of four options being considered by the City of Edinburgh Council in order to mitigate the impact of a one-year rent freeze on its Housing Revenue Account.
The former police headquarters in Edinburgh is to be sold and demolished to make way for hundreds of homes in a deal with the City of Edinburgh Council. Detailed plans for the redevelopment of the site have been outlined in a document which labels the station "under utilised, inefficient, ageing, in
Plans have been unveiled for 65 news flats in Edinburgh as construction is set to begin later this year.
Every employee of the City of Edinburgh Council will earn at least the Scottish Local Government Living Wage (SLGLW) in their base pay from April 1.
A report outlining a revised timetable for the City of Edinburgh Council's City Plan 2030 is set to be considered by councillors on Wednesday March 10.
A judge in the Outer House of the Court of Session has found that a local authority acted unlawfully in failing to provide assistance to a homeless Sudanese refugee living in Scotland.
In a petition for judicial review of the City of Edinburgh Council’s decision to refuse a fresh homeless application, the Court of Session has held that the council acted unlawfully. Mr Dafaalla, represented by Shelter Scotland, is a 62-year-old refugee from Sudan. He had previously made a hom
The City of Edinburgh Council has set a balanced £1 billion-plus budget for the next financial year with Council Tax and rents for council house tenants frozen at 2020/21 levels.
A planning application has been submitted for the City of Edinburgh Council's proposed housing development at Granton Waterfront.
A Passivhaus-standard building which will combine a nursery and accessible council homes designed for older people is the subject of a new planning application submitted to the City of Edinburgh Council. Taken forward by Collective Architecture on behalf of the local authority, the proposal will see
Councillors in Edinburgh will next week consider a report outlining proposals for a balanced overall budget for 2021/22 as uncertainty persists around future changes and financial pressures brought about by the ongoing Covid19 crisis.
A digital service to add to the support available for people in Edinburgh who are homeless has been developed by researchers and community partners, including leading Scottish homelessness charity Simon Community Scotland. The website and an accompanying app - called Street Support Edinburgh -provid
Funding is being made available to help some households and businesses prepare for the introduction of a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) in Edinburgh.