As part of its ongoing work to support social landlords through the COVID-19 crisis, the Social Housing Resilience Group (SHRG) has launched an online platform to facilitate collaborative learning and problem solving.
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has updated its COVID-19 briefing for social landlords on service delivery. The update includes new information on phase one of the proposed route map, multi-storey and high-density flats, Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, and the Test and Prote
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has updated its COVID-19 briefing for social landlords on practical governance advice. The update includes new information on virtual Annual General Meetings (AGMs), AGM frequently asked questions, and the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bil
The next Scottish Government has been urged to commit to delivering 53,000 affordable homes over the duration of the next parliament to reduce housing need, tackle child poverty and kick-start the country’s economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis.
The Social Housing Resilience Group (SHRG) is working on a response on behalf of the sector to the Scottish Government’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Framework for Decision Making proposals and route map, including a restarting services guide for landlords, an online space for sharing practice and i
A report of the outputs and outcomes delivered by the Social Housing Resilience Group (SHRG) has been published by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).
SFHA chief executive Sally Thomas gives her account of the amendments lodged by Andy Wightman MSP this week and the unintended impact they could have had on social landlords. This week saw the Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.2) Bill enter its final stages in the Scottish Parliament. This was the second b
An additional £5 million will be made available to local authorities through Discretionary Housing Payments to support tenants under severe financial pressure during the COVID-19 outbreak. The extra funding was announced by housing minister Kevin Stewart during the Stage 3 debate of the emerge
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has updated its COVID-19 briefing on care & support to include interim guidance on PCR testing in care homes and the management of test positive residents and staff. The series of briefing notes have been produced to help housing association
The Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) is to host a free webinar tomorrow members of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) on the future of procurement. Working in partnership since 2016, the two organisations have supported and aided the sector to increase their procurement knowle
Tenants’ experiences with energy suppliers including issues with legacy payment meters and with specific suppliers have been raised to the sector’s trade association thanks to the work carried out by the Social Housing Resilience Group (SHRG).
It is almost three years since Sally Thomas left her role at Teesside-based North Star Housing Association to become chief executive of membership organisation the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA). Having spent her entire career in the English social housing sector she made the mov
The Social Housing Resilience Group (SHRG) is arranging access to a new national personal protective equipment (PPE) procurement option for housing associations.
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has updated its COVID-19 briefing on service delivery to include updates on key worker testing, allocations and links to external sources. The new templates include a sample telephone questionnaire and a contactless lettings protocol.
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has given its weekly update of the key issues discussed by the Social Housing Resilience Group (SHRG).